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Gary Sweet News

OK, so I have been very lazy and have not updated this page for a while. I can't believe that it has been so long...

     Well, it has not hurt us, since there is very little news about our hero, Mr. Gary Sweet. It seems like the separation is final. *sigh* Gary has been rumored to be going out officially with the young golf player he has been seeing.
Gary Sweet
No news on the new comedy "Dog's Head Bay" on ABC Australia. George, one of the onelist members, have seen ads for it on TV so it is coming up!

      Other than that, no news. I keep trying to search on the internet for stuff on Gary, but it is very little out there. Good thing this site is here. At least I can TRY to get some news on our hunk on the web.

     By the way, some of you have asked for the address to mail Gary by "snail mail". I do not have his personal address, but I have been trying to get a hold of him through his agent, but with no luck. Why don't you try?

The address is:
Mr. Gary Sweet
c/o Sue Muggleton
Suite 2, Edgecliff Mews
201 New South Head Road
Edgecliff, NSW, 2027

      I have a new friend, Claudia, in Germany that have been writing me. I understand "Police Rescue" is on TV every day over there? Well, she might submit something in German for you German Garyfans! Isn't that exciting? It would be GREAT!!!!
"Police Rescue" is on
every day in Germany!

     That is all I have for now. Take care and keep looking for stuff on Gary Sweet! I must say he has turned into a very interesting person after I have learned more about him. I enjoy being what you call "webmaster" for these pages, and hope you will still enjoy them! As you can see, I am slowly transforming the pages. Tell me what you think of them @!


Home Sweet Home | Letter from Astrid | This is Gary
Filmography | On stage | Angkor (movie) | Full Monty?
Big Sky | Police Rescue | Cody | The Battlers
Flying Doctors | The Club | Off screen | HOT!!!
Other actors | Friends
