Moist Tour Dates
Here are the most recent tour dates:
Jan.16 Toronto,ON...Muchmusic's Intimate & Interactive
Jan.20 Vancouver,BC...PNE Forum with I Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Jan. 22 Calgary,AB...MAax Bell Arena with I Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Jan.23 Edmonton,AB...Cconvention Center with I Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Jan.24 Saskatoon,SK...Saskatchewan Place with I Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Jan.25 Winnipeg,MB...Winnipeg Arena with I Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Jan.27 Sudbury,ON...Sudbury Arena withI Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Jan.28 Montreal,PQ...Verdun Arena withI Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Jan.29 Ottawa,ON...Civic Center withI Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Feb.1,2,3 & 4 Toronto,ON...The Warehouse w/I Mother Earth & Mudgirl
Feb.6 London,ON,...Centennial Hall with Ginger
Feb.7 Waterloo,ON...Federation Hall with Ginger
Feb.8 Hamilton,ON...Convention Center with Ginger
Feb.11 St Catherines,ON...Front 54 with Ginger
Feb.12 Kingston,ON...Grant Hall with Ginger
Feb.14 Sherbrook,PQ...Granada with Ginger
Feb.15 Trois Riveres,PQ... Salle J.A. Thompson with Ginger
Feb.16 Quebec City,PQ... Capitol de Quebec with Ginger
Feb.18 Quebec City,PQ...Capitol de Quebec with Ginger
Feb.20 Moncton,NB...L'Osmose with Ginger
Feb.21 Halifax,NS...McInnas Room with Ginger
Feb.22 Fredricton,NB...Sub Cafeteria with Ginger
Feb.24 Barrie, ON, Barrie Arena with Ginger
Feb.26 Thunder Bay,ON...The Outpost with Ginger
Feb.27 Brandon,MB...Manitoba Room with Ginger
Feb.28 Regina...SK, Hanbidge Hall with Ginger
Mar.1 Red Deer,AB...Centrium with Ginger
Mar.3 Calgary,AB... Mac Hall, U of C with Ginger
Mar.4 Prince George,BC...Civic Center with Ginger
Mar.6 Kelowna,BC...Boardwalk with Ginger
Mar.7 Victoria,BC...Memorial Arena with Ginger
Mar.9 Hamilton,ON...Copps Coliseum (Juno Awards)
Mar.11 Toronto,ON...Warehouse (replaces the Feb. 4th show)
Mar.12 London,ON...Centenial Hall (replaces the Feb. 6th show)
Mar.14 Waterloo,ON...Federation Hall (replaces the Feb. 7th show)
Mar.31 Bangkok,Thailand...Army Stadium
Apr.25 Morin Heights,PQ...Command Performance
Apr.29 Musique Plus En Ligne
June 1 Hartford, CT...WMRQ Radio Show
June 13 Montréal, PQ...Carre Desjardin [Free Show]
June 27 Ottawa, ON...Major Hill's Park [$10.00 show]
July 17 Toronto, ON...Molson Amphitheatre [with Cardigans]
July 25 Roberval, PQ...International Lac St-Jean Traverse
Aug.2 Edmunston, NB...The Foire Brayonne
Mar.6 Kelowna, BC...Boardwalk
Nov.9 Calgary, AB...Jack Singer Hall
Nov.10 Calgary, AB...Jack Singer Hall
Nov.12 Vancouver, BC...Orpheum Theatre
Nov.13 Victoria, BC...Royal Theatre
Nov.15 Edmonton, AB...Jubliee Aud.
Nov.16 Saskatoon, SK...Centennial Aud.
Nov.17 Winnipeg, MB...Walker Theatre
Nov.21 Toronto, ON...Massay Hall
Nov.23 Quebec City, PQ...TBA
Nov.24 Quebec City, PQ...TBA
Nov.25 Trois Rivieres, PQ...TBA
Nov.27 Sherbrooke, PQ...TBA
Nov.28 Sherbrooke, PQ...TBA
Nov.29 Drummondville, PQ...TBA
Dec.1 Montreal, PQ...Place Des Arts
Dec.2 Montreal, PQ...Place Des Arts
Feb.6 London, ON...Centennial Hall
Feb.7 Waterloo, ON...Federation Hall
Feb. 8 Hamilton, ON...Convention Center
Feb.11 St Catherines, ON...Front 54
Feb.12 Kingston, ON...Grant Hall
Feb.14 Sherbrook, PQ...Granada
Feb.15 Trois Riveres, PQ...Salle J.A. Thompson
Feb.16 Quebec City, PQ...Capitol de Quebec
Feb.18 Quebec City, PQ...Capitol de Quebec
Feb.20 Moncton, NB...L'Osmose
Feb.21 Halifax, NS...McInnas Room
Feb.22 Fredricton, NB...Sub Cafeteria
Feb.24 Barrie, ON...Barrie Arena
Feb.26 Thunder Bay, ON...The Outpost
Feb.27 Brandon, MB...Manitoba Room
Feb.28 Regina, SK...Hanbidge Hall
Mar.1 Red Deer, AB...Centrium
Mar.3 Calgary, AB...Mac Hall, U of C
Mar.4 Prince George, BC...Civic Center
Mar.7 Victoria, BC...Memorial Arena
Jan.14 Town Pump, Vancouver, BC
Jan.15 the Raven, Vancouver, BC
Feb.2 the republik, Calgary, AB
Feb.3 channel one Regina, SK
Feb.4 junkyard, Winnepeg, MB
Feb.5 crocks and rolls, thunder bay, ON
Feb.9 ultrasound, toronto, ON
Feb.10 jailhouse rock montreal, PQ with rymes with orange
Feb.11 artspace, peterborough, ON with Mahones
Feb.12 promised land, london, ON with junkhouse
Feb.17 grand central ottawa, ON with Rail tec
Feb.18 toucan kingston, ON
Feb.19 sneaky dees toronto, ON with rail tec.
Feb.23 world, brampton, ON
Feb.24 albion Guelph, ON
Feb.26 lee's palace, toronto, ON with headstones.
Mar.3 crocks and rolls thunder bay, ON with Furnaceface
Mar.4 junkyard winnipeg, MB with furnaceface
Mar.5 channel one regina, SK with furnaceface
Ja.n 30 Lunatic Fringe, Vancouver, BC
Feb ? Hungry Eye, Vancouver, BC
Feb ? Paris Café, Vancouver, BC
Feb ? Town Pump, Vancouver, BC
Mar ? Paris Café, Vancouver, BC
Mar ? Paris Café, Vancouver, BC
Mar ? Hungry Eye, Vancouver, BC
Mar.17 UBC Pit Pub, Vancouver, BC
Mar.17 Coast 1040 fund raiser at Commodore, Vancouver, BC
Mar.18 Commodore ballroom, Vancouver, BC
Apr.25 Town Pump, Vancouver, BC
Jun.24 Hungry Eye, Vancouver, BC
Jun.27 Granville Island Arts Club Vancouver, BC
Jul.1 Thunderbird Stadium side stage Vancouver, BC
Jul.8 UBC Pit PUB, Vancouver, BC
Jul.22 Harpo's, Victoria, BC with Pure
Jul.23 Town Pump, Vancouver, BC with Pure
Jul.26 Big Easy, Vancouver, BC
Jul.29 Power Plant, Edmonton, AB
Jul.30 Power Plant, Edmonton, AB
Jul.31 Power Plant, Edmonton, AB
Aug.2 Silver City, Banff, AB
Aug.3 Silver City, Banff, AB
Aug.4 amigo's, Saskatoon, SK
Aug.5 amigo's, Saskatoon, SK
Aug.6 channel 1, regina, SK with Watchmen
Aug.7 channel 1, regina, SK with Watchmen
Aug.10 ultrasound, Toronto, ON
Aug.13 toucan, Kingston, ON
Aug.14 Lees Palace, Toronto, ON
Aug.18 ?, Northbay, ON
Aug.9 ?, Brampton, ON with 13 Engines
Aug.20 rivoli, Toronto, ON with 13 Engines
Aug.21 State Theatre, Detroit, MI with Poster Children and Goober
Aug.25 Cafe Campus, Montreal, PQ with Tea Party
Aug.26 Zaphod BeebleBrox, Ottawa, ON with SamIAm
Aug.28 Ultrasound, Toronto, ON with the Lawn and Hubbards
Sep.5 Horseshoe, Toronto, ON with Blue Dog Pict
Sep.7 Toucan, Kingston, ON
Sep.8 Phils Grandsons Place, Waterloo, ON with Sara Craig
Sep.10 State Theatre, Detroit, MI with Barenaked Ladies
Sep.16 UBC Pit Pub, Vancouver, BC
Sep.17 the Boot, Whistler, BC
Sep.18 the Boot, whistler, BC
Sep.25 Hungry Eye, Vancouver, BC
Sep.29 Wild Coyote, Vancouver, BC
Oct.6 Garfinkles, Whistler, BC
Oct.7 Garfinkles, Whistler, BC
Oct.22 Sub Ballroom, UBC, with bum, slowburn, terror of tiny town
Oct.30 Hungry Eye, Vancouver, BC with smalls
Nov.11 Queens, Nanaimo, BC with odds
Nov.12 Harpos, Victoria, BC with odds
Nov.18 SFU, Vancouver, BC
Nov.29 toucan, kingston, ON
Nov.30 alfies, kingston, ON
Dec.1 ultrasound, Toronto, ON
Dec.2 horseshoe, Toronto, ON
Dec.3 gasworks, Toronto, ON
Dec.4 Olivers Pub, Ottawa, ON with hHead
Dec.9 silver city, Banff, AB
Dec.10 silver city, Banff, AB
Dec.11 silver city, Banff, AB
Dec.15 queens, Nanaimo, BC
Dec.16 harpo's, Victoria, BC
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