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1.What is the name of the book that Liz's Grandmother wrote?
Native American Treasures Lost Treasures The Life of Incans Lost Souls
2. What kind of car does Maria drive?
Ford Concord Jetta VW Bug
3. What does Michael tell Max to think of whenever he thinks of Liz?
Mud Worms Pie Slime
4. Which one of these is NOT on the menu at the Crashdown Cafe?
Will Smith Burger Alien Blast Blood of Alien Smoothie Alien pie
5. In what episode does Maria get an "aqua bra"?
"Heat Wave" "The Toy House" "Into the Woods" "The Balance"
6. Who sings the theme song to Roswell?
Save Ferris Ginny Owens Sheila Chandra Dido
7. Which band does Max listen to in the episode "The Toy House" when he is depressed about Liz?
Stroke 9 Counting Crows Stereophonics Pennywise
8. Where did Isabel find the pendant with the alien symbol on it?
Atherton's home The Native American Reservation In the woods At school
9. Which of these powers does Max, Michael, and Isabel NOT have?
Healing Read thoughts Dreamwalking Manipulating molecular structures
10. What is the name of the man that Sheriff Valenti shot in "The (UFO) Convention"?
Milton Hubble Steven Tubble Everett Hubble Ernie Harris