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I remember the first time I talked to rachel, it was in sixth grade, in Mr.Imig's science class. He told us all to line up in order of our birthday's without talking....-he works in Boston now. She asked me when my birthday was and I was like "June 13th" and she was like "Wow, me too"-ok, I don't remember if she said wow and shit, but that's how we became friends. So far, it's been over 3 years and Rachy is one of my best friends. She's changed so much since I've known her. I'm not gonna say, but Rachy had a little but of a different "style" in 6th grade.... hehe....but she stayed the same person. We have had so much fun together.... from her 6th grade birthday party where half the people were running around naked to oc and free movies-hey, why pay when u don't have to???. I remember the time this woman that sold the tickets at the Valley Center movies asked me to get her tweezers out of her crusty looking van, and she gave me the keys, wow, that was scary, Rach was there. It sucks now that she goes to Owings Mills High cuz I don't see her as often. Ofcourse when I do, everything is how it was before.