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This is me and Teen before the OwingsMills homecoming. Tina-left Me-right

Rachel and Tina. Rachel-left Tina-right

Tina-penis, Tonya-vagina. ahaha... That's how Tina and I started talking in seventh grade. Actually that's pretty much how we became best friends. I didn't talk to tina much in seventh grade, but in 8th me and her started becoming really good friends through Beth. I don't even know where to much shit has happened to me and tina. Nothing goes right when were together-not in a bad way. I remember one time we were at the mall and this old black woman told me to stop shaking my leg because she was trying to that cracked me up. Then one time tina walked into this column at the mall... These are just some of the things that happened, I can't really remember now. I love her so much, she cracks me up... plus, she's my guy advice...I don't know what I'd do without her. It really sux that she goes to Pikesville High cuz I don't get to see her a often, and now she moved to owings mills, so I can't walk over to her house anymore... well, when I get a car, we can seriously have some fun...