"Al! Close the door!"
"Close the... aaaaatchoo!! Never...atchoo...mind...atchoo... Too...atchoo...late...atchoo!"
"Ah jeez, sorry, Sam! Keep forgetting! The slightest breeze and you're off!"
"Aaaaa...tchoo! Yeah, well, I'm not very happy about it either! Spring finally comes and I'm allergic to it! Atchoo!"
"Oh Sam, you look like Rudolf!"
"Yeah, you know. The red-nosed..."
(interrupting Al) "Yeah, well, yours would look red too if you had to blow it a zillion times a day!"
"Sounds like a plan to me!" (looks guilty when Sam glares at him) By the way, what are you doing walking around with sunglasses on?"
"Why? He asks why! Here!!" (lifts sunglasses to reveal puffy and watery eyes) "Any more brilliant questions?"
"Come here, baby! I'll make it better!"
"No offence, Al, but I'm really not in the mood!"
"Saaaam! That's not what I meant! I was just going to put some of these drops in your eyes! Your eyes will feel much better!"
"They'd better! It feels like I could rub my eyes right out of their sockets! Atchoo!"
"Oh Sam, this can't go on like this! I'll go get you something."
"Yeah, make that a new head, okay? This one is about to split in two!"
"Saaaam! It's spring! You can't sit around inside, moaning and bitching when the sun is shining like that!"
"Will you hurry up with those eye-drops?! Aaaaaah..." (big sigh as his eyes stop burning like hell) That's better! Aaaaaah..." (another sigh when he stops sneezing)
"Anything else?"
"Yeah, you couldn't stop snoring, could you? It's hard enough trying to get to sleep when you can't *breathe* without someone doing a chainsaw impression in your ear!"
"Geez, Sam, this hay-fever-stuff is making you really irritable! I'll come back when you're in a better mood!"
"Okay Al! See ya when summer comes around!"
"I'm gonna miss ya, kid!"
"I'll miss you too, Al. Aaaaaaaaalll! Close the door!! Aaaaatchoo! Damn! Atchoo! Oh b..atchoo!"
As you've noticed, I have no idea how you spell a sneeze in English, but I hope you get the point!
Agnes (who's really enjoying the lovely weather, but who'd enjoy it a lot more if it wasn't accompanied by all the above! Aaaatchoo!)