Many faithful believers of the Bible honestly think that something deemed so sacred and so holy as its story of Noah's Ark could never be proven wrong or discredited in any way. Well, I have done exactly that and I will prove it. Please read as I explain all of the key contradictions as they are written until I prove that this story cannot possibly be true. As soon as that is accomplished then the rest of the story isn't worth further examination. I admit that I still have questions myself about what "good" it will do or what harm it may cause when a faithful believer fully acknowledges this proof. However, no matter what the cost, I "honestly" believe that Truth is more important than any sacred myth. I have always felt that it is our responsibility to honor and defend the truth and I will always try to reveal the truth, and report all fiction, even within the Bible. The reason that I am treating this whole thing so seriously is because it is still being taught in Sunday schools around the world as the honest truth. To me it is not only wrong but it is also a serious world deception. It is a world deception because there are millions of good, well-intentioned, yet confused people in every country around the world who are being deceived into believing that this story is absolutely true.
To begin with, I will preface Noah's story by explaining the reason why Noah was to build the ark in the first place:
God saw how wicked and "violent" the Earth had become and could not take it anymore. God's Creation was a total failure and it was time to wipe the slate clean and start over. (The implications are quite staggering. Because if the first time wasn't successful. How could God be guaranteed that the second, third, or even fourth time would be successful???) So, God decided that the only right thing to do was to kill all of the life on Earth, especially those evil and violent children of God because they, unlike God's other chosen children of Israel, were beyond any discipline, whatsoever. Those brats needed to be destroyed. So, God had to search desperately for anyone that was not influenced or trapped, at all, in the wickedness that had spread to almost everyone. Luckily, God found Noah living deep within a mountain, who had separated himself and his family "permanently" from associating with all of those wicked souls. So, God then showed Noah that God was always to be feared by destroying all of Noah's neighbors and promised him that God would never do it again, ever, because God loved Noah. (OK, maybe I'm being a little harsh.)
First and foremost, if mankind were ever that wicked and violent, then there certainly must have been many "visible" signs of riots, crimes, murders, and widespread anarchy where noone could possibly have been safe from harm for even an instant. To honestly believe that a Noah and his family would have been "allowed" to go ahead and build a huge boat the size of a cruise ship (which definitely would have been too small, anyway) on dry land, without facing immediate public outcry or severe repercussions from such a violent crowd is totally unbelievable. The only way that a Noah could've ever escaped harm would've been with full-time protection from a battalion of armed guards stationed all around the ark day and night until the floodwaters came. I just cannot believe even for a second that this ever could've happened. But, that is just my opinion. Now, I will offer some physical proof that this story is untrue and wholly fiction.
The only physical proof that you really need to know is the "food" situation. I know that it doesn't require a genius to figure this one out. I'll give you the fact that a Noah could've stored some animals to feed the thousands of carnivorous mammals, reptiles, and birds, for maybe a month. But, the fact is that there would've had to have been another vessel the same size as the ark needed to carry the thousands of live animals that were to have eventually become future food, for the amount of time that the carnivores were "aboard" the ark, which was close to a year.
Then, we come to the next most obvious question. What on Earth did the thousands of those poor starving carnivores eat after they finally left the ark??? Keep in mind that all the rest of the animals that were alive prior to the world deluge had perished and would have been "long" gone by then. There would have been absolutely nothing else left for them to eat. Also, what on Earth did the thousands of herbivores have to eat? All of the plants had been gone a long time by then, as well. There would have been absolutely nothing else left for them to eat, either. The only thing that would have been left for all of the animals to eat is nothing but mud. Besides all of that, it would have taken more "months" for any surviving seeds to grow and mature into food. Please understand that we're talking about going a whole year without eating any food. Just in case that you are not sure exactly what that means, here's a hint: It's physically impossible. This food situation alone proves that this story is pure fiction.
Moving on, it would have been virtually impossible for certain animals that only live in cold climates to have ever survived in the heat, especially for a year. Plus, there was absolutely no way that a Noah could have known about some animals like naked mole rats which spend their entire lives underground and have never even been visible above ground until they were discovered late last century.
Now let's examine the fact that only "one" pair (a male and its mate) of every unclean animal were to have ever boarded the ark. There was absolutely no guarantee that either one of them was even going to be fertile in the first place. Do you honestly believe that an all-intelligent God having infinite wisdom would have taken such a deliberate chance by saving only one male and only one female from each kind of thousands of animals fully knowing that at least one of them possibly could have been barren or sterile? Well? So, since at least one animal out of the thousands would have been barren or sterile the whole idea for saving only two of each kind is a bad one. It is also far below the level of God's infinite wisdom. OK, then. How did anyone know beforehand that an ark was even "sailable" without first testing it in water? What guarantee was there that most of the animals, that never had been confined inside a boat before, wouldn't get seasick and die, anyway?
All of this proof should be more than enough real physical evidence to satisfy even the most skeptical believer. But, it is still not the best. So, brace yourself, because now it is time to bring this story to an end.
Last, but certainly not least, now it is time to forever label the story of Noah's Ark as a myth. Pray tell: How would have most of the thousands of varieties of plants and trees that are alive today been pollinated without the help of "any" insects??? That's right. There are practically decillions of insects alive today and most of them eat huge quantities of "fresh" leaves and Not mud. Caterpillars, in particular, have voracious appetites. So, please don't try to explain to me that decillions of insects patiently waited a year for the deluge waters to subside and for any surviving seeds to grow into fresh leaves. Also, please don't try to explain to me a ridiculous answer like Noah went around hunting down all of the hundreds of different kinds of "queen" ants and "queen" bees and thousands of different kinds of species of insects from all parts of the world and brought all of them back to the ark to start new colonies just like he was supposed to have done with all of the animals. The truth is that this fictional story is finished!
The only way, I repeat, the "Only Way" that "all animals and insects" are alive today is because there has always been a huge un-submerged dry land mass, somewhere, capable of providing an abundant supply of plants (i.e. fresh leaves to feed the insects) and animals (i.e. prey for the predators) to "continue" the existence of all animals and insects that are alive today. That is the truth! I have given you ample and undisputable proof that the story of Noah's Ark is a myth. It is also fiction with ill intent written all over it. Trust me when I say that all religious believers should have serious questions raised within their souls for having such complete "faith" in myths like this one.
Now it is time to apply this myth to the rest of the Bible. The alarming fact is that this one myth alone proves that the whole Bible is nothing more than a compilation of myths and fictional stories framed around a central genealogy. This is true because the whole Bible is completely and totally interlinked and interconnected from one book to the next. For instance, the book of Genesis is entirely dependent on the credibility of the story of Noah's Ark to have any credibility of its own. The book of Exodus is entirely dependent on the credibility of Genesis to have any credibility of its own. The book of Leviticus also is entirely dependent on the credibility of Genesis to have any credibility of its own. So on and so forth, all the way through to the last book of Revelation. This is also true because the New Testament has passages such as Matthew 24:36-42, and Luke 3:23-38 ; 17:25-30, and 1 Peter 3:19-21, etc. :
Matthew 24: "37- As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38- For in the
days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah
entered the ark; 39- and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all
away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40- Two men will be in the field; one will
be taken and the other left. 41- Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other
left. 42- Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."
Since the story of Noah's Ark is a myth then so is the book of Matthew (especially, since it was supposed to be as if Jesus himself was speaking), so is the book of Luke, and so is the book of Peter. There is absolutely no way to get around the central genealogy. Since Noah never actually built an ark that survived a real universal flood then it is very questionable to say whether Noah ever even existed. It is also just as questionable to say whether there could even be descendants of Noah if he never really existed. Without Noah there could not be an Abraham, nor an Israel, nor a Moses, nor a David, nor even a Jesus. Therefore, even though most of them truly contain great wisdom in most cases, the stories of the Bible are proven to be myths and ones of fiction. Also, whether or not these fictional stories were derived from real historical events is irrelevant. The way that the stories were worded it is almost impossible to discern between which ones were based on real events and which ones were only fictional events used to make the Bible more interesting and more influential. When the authors of the Bible betrayed truth they also betrayed world history along with mankind. That is why truth is so important. Without truth actual world history could not remain verifiable. The only fair label that the Bible can have is that it is the greatest book of fiction that was ever written.
Even though it is "not" my intention to offend nor demoralize millions of religious initiates, including muslims, who are very righteous and loving people (I, especially, do not mean to appall religious leaders, but it is unavoidable), I will not hesitate to discredit and disprove religious books that I know to contain fictional stories that are believed by others to be true facts. However, just because religious books are proven to contain fiction doesn't mean that there isn't a real God. Because I honestly believe that there is a Supreme Being that is the Source of Life for all physical realities and physical beings like mankind. There just is not an absolute way to prove it. It also doesn't mean that the great wisdom within the Bible should be overlooked nor forgotten because without this important biblical wisdom mankind would never have attained such great moral and ethical knowledge. Believe me, since I am such a huge advocate of Truth, I would have loved to have always honored and upheld the Bible as being the divine and holy words of God if it really was true. But, it isn't true. At least not in the context that it is written. I can only hope and pray that I will not be hated for sharing my view of Truth with a religious world that seems quite disinterested in verifying the truth. I also hope and pray that people will fully begin honoring the sanctity and holiness of Truth with the same passion and earnestness that they now feel for the Bible.
This first version didn't seem to impress any devout religious believers, so I decided to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) and make it better.
I am sure that I have successfully posted an updated foolproof version.