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The Revelation Of Sinner John

Satan loves sinners!

Spanish Version  En Español 2

    The entire book of Revelation can be proven wrong mainly by one chapter alone, Revelation 20 in these contradictory verses, 10 and 14:
    Revelation 20: 10;   "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
    14;   "Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death."
    This nonsense is also repeated here:
    Revelation 21: 8;   "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."  (Why can't anyone actually know that god is real?  Trust me, unbelief in something that seems impossible is not a crime worthy of capital punishment.  It is simply a strong feeling of doubt in someone who doesn't know whether it is true or false by not having enough evidence.  Believing is not the same as knowing because all beliefs become obsolete once knowledge is attained.  Thus people mainly believe because they do not know.  By not knowing believers can only hope, or trust, or have faith that god exists.)

    No one in a coherent state of mind would have so deliberately contradicted himself as John did no more than four verses after he wrote verse 10.   That contradiction is most important because it is the main reason why anyone even cares about the book of Revelation, at all.   Most Christians are literally scared half to death of that outrageous nonsense!
    Okay, Christians, please pay close attention:   There is absolutely, positively, and definitely no possible way to be thrown into a "lake of fire" to be "tormented day and night for ever and ever" and to die a "second death" there, as well.
    It can either be one way or the other, Not Both!

    Either those bugs on Patmos must have given poor John severe malnutrition or else it was ergot poisoning because he certainly seemed to be delirious while writing down such outrageous nonsense from some nightmare.   That poor guy really was "tormented day and night."   However, there is no excuse for Christians alive today to honestly believe this nonsense.   I am truly disappointed that so many Christians are mainly "blind" believers who believe that everything they read in the Bible is true without needing to see any "visible" evidence. (Gullible fools with a blind trust in something "unknown" to them are easy to trick.)

    To be honest with you, most Christians are very strange, indeed.   They are perfect examples of being true living paradoxes.   For instance, all it takes is the word, holy, to make the Holy Bible a legitimate book to them.   Even though no Christians have ever been able to scientifically prove to secular people (or to other Christians for that matter!) that the gods, angels, or demons that are written about inside of its pages are real; most of them still believe that these supernatural beings really do exist.  
    However, when these Christians are shown exhaustive collections of real scientific data which do offer a ton of demonstrative evidence thoroughly discounting their holy book they simply refuse to believe that it could possibly be wrong.   Even though I am truly fascinated by their very strange way of thinking, I am even more disappointed by their blind faith in an old book that is amazingly similar to another one.

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Posted on Jun, 2002