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The Family Records

You walk into a room which is like a miniature library. A mouse, obviously the clerk, is sitting in a corner, scribbling names and dates in a book. You approach him and ask about the room. He looks up at you through his spectacles and says, "This is April Island's Family Records Department. Here we keep records of all of the families on the island and assist with marriages and things." He motions to a pile of papers. "If you are married, please go fill out those forms and bring them to me. If you have any dibbuns from a previous marriage, or if you adopted any, please make a note of that on the records. And be sure to fill out the forms (even if you are not married) if you have a dibbun. We also have a list of available priests and priestesses over there." You ask if you can look around. He smiles. "Sure, go ahead. Just don't take anything out of here and don't mess with anything on my desk. And put all books back where you found them."

To join, send your name, your mate's name, your date of marriage (if you're not sure, give an approximate date), the priest or priestess who married you, and any dibbuns you may have to the family records clerk.

Married Beasts

Name Spouse Date of Marriage Priest/ess Dibbuns
Dathan Starsword Amaryllis Exact date unknown, approximately 4 seasons ago Abbot Gerald of Redwall Amathana (female), Dawainian (male, deceased)
Kaliar Seawind Delia During the Winter of the Golden Sun Sibyre Silentwing None
Rangapaw Streamflow Streamson Riverbank About 4 seasons ago Norae Churchmouse Ruddie, Ivy
NightBrush Trueheart Silvertail (deceased) During the Autumn of the Crimson Leaf Sister Hyacinth SilverBrush (deceased), Nightheart (deceased)
Becca Oak Unknown Abbot Helms Crack (male)
Windpaw Swiftarrow None None None Ice Eyes (female, adopted)