We finally changed the quiz (and it should work now). So Jeremiah can quit bugging us about how he hasn't read The Legend of Luke, and Ray can quit bugging us about how us putting "Sorry, Jeremiah" at the link bugs him.
We changed the poll to "Favorite Male Vermin". Tsarmina won the female vermin poll by a landslide. We can't believe you didn't choose Silvamord.
The Weatherlight is now accepting new crewbeasts, but only if you beg us really hard.
We got a real poll for the Hall of Fame and we think it will work better than you emailing us. So if you've already voted go to the poll page and vote again. Then email us telling us you voted and we'll give you your two points.
Our new rival, since Jadestone Island shut down, is the SwiftClaw Empire. We realize that we need to update our links and things to reflect this change. We are sorry. We are working on it.
April Island will be hosting the Redwall Olympics soon. Any help in planning would be appreciated.
Joining has been reopened so all of you pitiful beasts who are all upset about being deleted can rejoin. Do better this time. New members are welcome too.
From now on, we will be deleting every entry we get that does not have your name and ship on it. You don't have to go so far as to put your rank or anything **grins at Song** but if you forget and accidentally send something without your name and ship on it, you'd better email us right away and tell us you're sorry and hope we haven't deleted it yet. It's mean of us to do this, of course, but we can't update if you expect us to be psychic.
April Island awards points for battling. 10 points for winning and 5 for participating. And don't try battling your own vermin character so you can win. I am not stupid, and I would suggest you to not try that. Not that I think any of you would.
I have decided to stop adding new ships. If you wish to be transferred to another ship, please tell me which ship and I will see what I can do.
That's all for news. Check periodically (ooh, big word!) to see if anything is different!