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Crystal Palace

This is Crystal Palace, centerpiece of the island and quite possibly the most magnificent beast-made structure (Redwall Abbey not included) ever constructed. You see two massive thrones, the larger one made of oak and the smaller one made of cherry wood, on the opposite end of the colossal hall you stand in. You notice an elaborate woven map of the island hanging near the main door.

The Throne Room

Approach the king and queen with your comments and requests.

The Citizenship Office

Go here to apply for citizenship of April Island. Joining is now open again!

Citizens of the Island

See a list of the beasts that live on April Island.

The Ranking Office

See the ranking system of April Island.

The Members Area

Look through all of the activities citizens of the island can do!

The Credits Page

A list of all the folks that helped make April Island what it is!

The Awards Page

Come see the awards April Island has won!