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The Scarlet Sun

The Scarlet Sun is April Island's largest ship. Its crew is growing rapidly.

Name Species Gender Weapons Points Rank
Luna Mooncall Otter Female Bow and arrows 60 Head Cook
Breeze Squirrel Female Dagger, Sling, Bow 79 Chef Extraordinaire
Bellna Badger Female Dirk, Staff, Longbow 60 Head Cook
Song Swifteye Squirrel Female Leafwood 80 Chef Extraordinaire
Jupiter Mouse Male Diamond Jeweled Sword, Javelin, Bow and Arrows 76 Chef Extraordinaire
Silverfur Arctic Fox Female Bow and Arrow, Sling 64 Head Cook
Swiftpaw Otter Female Crossbow, Longbow, Sword 60 Head Cook
Summer Oakspring Squirrel Female Rapier, Bow and Arrows 80 Chef Extraordinaire
Sundew Hare Female Longbow, Sling 62 Head Cooj
Seabreeze Squirrel Female Shortbow and Arrows, Sling with Jadestone Pebbles, Sword 65 Head Cook
Mariel Mouse Female Gullwhacker 50 Head Cook
Windpaw Swiftarrow Mole Female Dirk, Longbow and Arrows 98 Chef Extraordinaire
Cheek Otter Female Spear, Sling, Sword 50 Head Cook
Starflight Hare Female Sword, Crossbow, Battleaxe 50 Head Cook
Arlando Badger Male Ax-Pike, Bow/Crossbow, Sabre 50 Head Cook
Blaze Squirrel Female Bow and Arrows 50 Head Cook
Briar Thornmoss Unknown (Suspected Fox and Ferret Blood, Among Others) Female Rapier, Sabre 68 Head Cook
Bobtail Hare Female Longbow, Lance, Dirk 118 Sailor
Swish Otter Male Sword, Arrows 50 Head Cook
Summerwind Swiftwing Sparrow Female Beak, Talons 65 Head Cook
Milady Firestone Mouse Female Sling, Bow and Arrows 80 Chef Extraordinaire
Matthias Mouse Male Sword, Spear, Bow 50 Head Cook
Winnie Otter Female Sling and Stones 50 Head Cook
Becca Mouse Female Bow, Dirk, Sling 72 Chef Extraordinaire
Luke Swiftblade Squirrel Male Saber, Longbow, Sling 0 New Citizen
Songmeadow Hare Female Dagger, Jeweled Dirk, Ash Bow and Arrows 0 New Citizen
Ivy Eyes Squirrel Female Staff, Dagger, Broadsword 0 New Citizen
Agneatha Turkish Van Cat (good) Female Sword, Bow and Arrows, Dirk 0 New Citizen