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The Weatherlight

The Weatherlight is the ship that holds the record for sinking the most ships. The record is over all ships, both on and off the island.

Name Species Gender Weapons Points Rank
Ray Lighthood Mask Male Anything I can get my paws on 175 Navigator
Glok Weasel Male One Cutlass 52 Head Cook
Hanna Mouse Female Bow and Arrow 52 Head Cook
Mirri Badger Female Longsword 52 Head Cook
Garret Squirrel Male Crossbow 52 Head Cook
Pyrex Mouse Male Silver Cutlass 52 Head Cook
Joel Badger Male One Wing-Tipped Dagger 52 Head Cook
Vizzadon Hare Male Two Solid Steel Daggers 52 Head Cook
Springdaisy Otter Female Bow and Arrows, Sword, Drop-Kick 52 Head Cook
Chalia the Mask Mask Female Oaken Staff, Bag of Poisons 70 Head Cook
Kaliar Seawind Weasel Male Longbow, Throwing Daggers 70 Head Cook
Seamist Starflower Skyflame Otter Female Dagger, Sword, Bow & Arrows 0 New Citizen