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Bearmedic's Home PageA beehive!

upgraded july, 2001

Hello, and welcome to my page. My name is Delores and I am a paramedic in Valemount, B.C. I like teddy bears and crests (aka patches).

My husband Bill raises bees for a hobby also loves his gardening.He has a small greenhouse where he starts tomatoes and flowers.

This page is for things I'm interested in, such as my family, friends, and making money on the net.


My grandson, Shaun.
This is my grandson, Shaun. He graduated recently and has gone on to college .

My grand-daughter's name is Colleen and she lives here with me. She likes to draw and is interested in computers.

Colleen's brother is Aaron and he likes to play his video games.

I also have another grandson - Shaun, Colleen, and Aaron's cousin - named Benjamin. He's 6 years old and is in grade 2. Benjamin likes to play sports,his favorites are hockey and soccer.

My husband Bill, myself,daughter Sharon and her husband Earl taken after our heli-ride
My husband Bill, myself,daughter Sharon and her husband Earl taken after our heli-ride.

Myself , daughter Sharon, on her wedding day , her daughter Colleen.

Making Money

Click here to find Sites I make Money at

I participate in a few things that make me money when I use the net. br>
AllCommunity is a pay to read e-mail

Another one to check out!!

PaidForSurf has unlimited hours click here.

GetPaid4 pays a % of advertising click here.

mValue It`s here. click here

Your Web Site On

Paid to send and read e-mails

Start Your Own Affiliate Program with Pro-Track Click Here!

Total Mail, Click here.

Sendmoreinfo is just like the above one, and this one's here.

Crew Design pays you even when you're offline! It's here.

Cashtoread.It`s here.

MyPoints gaves you points and you'll find it here. Use my ID, bearmedic, for referral.

Enter to win up to $500
Answer 5 Questions and Win $500 from

Enter contest to win cash and prizes! Click here. If you win, I win.


Answer 3 Survey Questions and Win $4,500!


This is my daughter Sharon's webpage; she is a beading nut.
Ileea's Page

This is the Valemount website, it's interesting and has details about Valemount activities and businesses.

This is the webpage of my friend from England, Karen Crutcher. She is the president of Room for Twins, what the below page is about.
Room for Twins

You can email me at: