01 November 2004

A somewhat lousy day. A somewhat good day. I spent some of the day feeling anxious. I spent some of the day feeling sleepy. I spent some of the day feeling oddly optimistic. I spent some of the day being pretty sure that the vast majority of people in this world -- even the really great ones -- don't really give a shit about anybody but themselves when it really comes down to it. I spent some of the day trying to figure out a way to lure Neil into an alley and seduce him.

[I mostly discarded that last idea. Well, no, I didn't discard the idea at all, actually. I discarded it as a fantastic idea, but only because it was pretty damned cold to be... you know... in an alley... Dammit.]

It's been good and bad.

The thing is, good things have happened, and bad things have happened, and due to some major hormonal changes that have been going on with me, I've been feeling all of them more intensely. A lot of people, I think, tend to think of "hormonal" women as being completely irrational, crying over things that should be pleasant, screaming and having tantrums over others trying to be kind, and responding in similarly bizarre ways. But that's not the case, at least for me. Over the past few days, I've been a little bit snappy, and a little bit over-sensitive, and really, really excited over stuff that doesn't really matter. But generally, my reactions have been appropriate. Maybe just a little bit more pronounced than usual. Like, for example, me blowing up at the stupid gas station guy the other day. He really was an asshole. I just might not have been so... er... aggressive with him if I wasn't feeling the effects of some extra hormones or some such thing.


I'm still a kind of tired and a little bit moody, and I'm not really feeling the spirit of the journal entry enter into me at the moment. So...

Go read somebody else's journal or something... I've made a new links page, and it's pretty cool. I'm sure somebody else will have something better to say than I presently do.
