NMBA/NFAA Indoor Fifth Place 1999 Tournament PlacesNMBA/NFAA Indoor First in second Flite NMBA/NFAA Hunter Second NMBA/NFAA Field Second NMBA/NFAA Grand Field Fourth NMAA/NAA Outdoor Championships Second Tied for Second Overall in the NMBA Points system.1998 Tournament Places
NMBA/NFAA Indoor First NMBA/NFAA 3-D First NMBA/NFAA Animal Second NMBA/NFAA Field Second NMBA/NFAA Hunter Second NMBA/NFAA American Second NMBA/NFAA Championships Fourth NFAA SW 3-D Sectional First NMAA/NAA FITA Third Second overall in New Mexico Championship Points1997 Tournament Places
NMBA/NFAA Indoor Third in Second Flite NMBA/NFAA 3-D Third NMBA/NFAA Field Third NMBA/NFAA Hunter Second NFAA SW Sectional Championships Second Second overall in New Mexico Championship Points1996 Tournament PlacesNMBA/NFAA Indoor Fourth NMBA/NFAA Grand Field Second NMBA/NFAA Championships Fourth Overall New Mexico Champion in Adult Male Freestyle1995 Tournament Places
NMBA/NFAA Animal First NMBA/NFAA Field Second NMBA/NFAA Hunter Third NMBA/NFAA Championships Second NFAA SW Sectional Championships Third in Second Flite Second overall in New Mexico Championship Points
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