Chapter 10

Tha group approached tha ticket boothz and bought their seperate ticketz. It waz really hot that day but a lot of people were their n e wayz. Luckily tha Boyz weren't recognized. There were a lot of teenage girlz and they looked like tha type who listened to tha BSB. Evryone pretty much grabbed partnerz and went off to ride their own ridez. When evryone went off with their partnerz Annie and A.J were stuck with each other at Looney Town. When Annie went to go buy a Coke at a refreshment stand she heard someone callin her name. " Annie? that u?" asked tha person. The voice sounded strangley familiar to her so she turned around. " OH ma God!!!..Norma?!!..Wazzup gurlie?" Annie screamed and raced off to hug her longtime friend. " Nuthin much chica!!..It'z been such a longtime!!.. After graduation at westbury..we kinda went off to our seperate wayz huh?" wondered Norma. "yupperz..but as long as ur here'z all gud." answered Annie. " so..u here with n e one special?" asked Norma. "nope nope..just a couple of peepz..oh yeah..and i'm stuck with this guy..he is such an ass sometimez..but we're kinda cool now." explained Annie. " yeah..ok..soo..wanna go walk for awhile and just chill?" questioned Norma. " yup yup..lez go!!" Annie screamed and grabbed Norma to where A.J waz supposedly waitin. When they got near tha souvenier store..Annie heard an annoyin ass laugh. " like oh ma god A.J!! u r sooo like funny!!" Lauren sqealed..........
~~~~Annie'z POV~~~~
Shit!!!..What tha fuck is she doin here?...goddamn it!!!..i'm not goin ova there..i can't stand to see them 2getha.....what tha hell am i talkin bout?..i don care if there togetha!!!...Fuck this..i'mma walk ova there and just be nice..ain't no use in bein a bitch!!..haha..ok..tha jeanz again? haha..ok..shut up Annie!!..and get yo ass ova there!!..hahahaha!!! that shikt just killz me..hahaha!!
~~~~A.J'z POV~~~~
O.k.....where did she come??.....gurl just crept up on me and scared ma ass. N e wayz...she is annoyin me already. Where is Annie?...she said she'd only be awhile....Man what am i goin to do bout Amanda?...I think i luv here but...she just ain't rite for me n e more. Oh well...i'll deal wit dat shit later. she eva gonna shut up?...ok..there goez Annie.......
When i walked ova there wit Norma..A.J waz lookin like he really waz annoyed by tha Bitch..hahaha..that'z what i'm goin to call her from now on..tha Bitch. N e i waz sayin...i got ova there and made maself known. Tha bitch gave me this nasty look and rolled her eyez..i swear..i could of beat her down rite then and there, But i kept ma cool and just introduced Norma to A.J....He shook handz wit her and alla that crap but tha bitch just kept interuptin in our conversation. Tha bitch finally shut up and and had tha nerve to drag A.J off to tha serial thrilla!!..And tha shitty part is!!..he went along with tha hoe!!!..I waz kinda jealouz..i had to admit..but i didn't let it show and went on tha Viper wit Norma..on there we talked some more about what we had been doin with our time and all that gud shit.....
Me and Brian r at tha oriental villa rite now. It is sooo pretty here. We had just finished eatin and went to ride tha Taxiz...they r sooo cute. Brian begged me to drive but i wanted to drive too..I refused until he gave me this puppy-dog look and i couldn't resist him n e longer. I finally caved in and let him drive. And guess what?!!..He kissed ma cheek !!!..He said it waz a "thank u" for lettin him drive. I knew deep down inside it waz more but..i just went along with him and got into tha passenger side. He looked so adorable makin facez at people when we drove by them...he sooo much fun to be around. When we got off...i dragged him to ride tha Cyclone wit me. I had to beg him also but he finally agreed to get on with me. When we got off of that ride..we were approached a fan. He waz sooo sweet to her. She asked him if i waz his gurlfriend but he just smiled and told her to have a nice day and left. That got me really wonderin if he considered me his gurlfriend or not. But he just turned to me and gave me this really cute duck face. I couldn't help but laugh at him.........
~~~~Tha Exit..(6:45)~~~~
At this time tha group went to meet up to leave for Chilli'z. Norma went off to her own way and so did tha Bitch. Annie and tha rest of tha crew waited for tha last group..Adri and Brian. They waited for awhile until tha two walked up to tha rest laughin like hyenaz. Annie just smiled because her cousin because she waz havin a gud time. It waz so nice to have her cuz cheer up and joke around so much. Brian really brought out tha silly side of her. After they gathered evryone..tha group got into their carz and headed for tha Chilli'z at tha Meyer Plaza........
~~~~Chilli'z (7:15)~~~~
As tha 8 people went into tha restaraunt...tha waiter showed them to a huge table with about ten chairz around it. Evryone got seated next to their significant otherz and waited for tha waiter to take their order.
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