Chapter 11

~~~~ Chilli'z~~~~
When tha waiter took evryonez orderz..they started chattin amongst theirselvez. They all talked and carried on conversationz except Annie & A.J. Annie waz too busy blowin bubblez in her drink and A.J waz too busy thinkin bout what he waz gonna do bout Amanda. A.J waz deep in thought when all of a sudden he heard someone call his name. " A.J?..r u ok?" asked Nhi. Nhi and A.J has grown to be best friendz really quickly since she waz alwayz a gud listener and cared for peoplez. " Huh?...oh yeah...what did u say Nhi?" A.J answered absentmindedly. " I said if u were ok..u look kinda distracted." Nhi suggested. " Oh..i'm fine...don worry bout me..i just got alot on ma mind rite now.." A.J answered. " Oh..ok..well..if u eva need to talk..i'm here" Nhi smiled. " Yup..i know..thanx Nhi" A.J hugged Nhi in return for her kindness. " Hey Hey now...get ur own woman Bone..haha" Howie joked. Both Nhi and A.J just smiled and Nhi turned to him and mouthed " n e time". While all of this waz goin on Annie waz just chillin and watchin Adri and Brian. " They r so cute 2getha.." she thought silently....
~~~~ Adri & Brian~~~~
Adri waz havin a gud time stickin breadstickz in her nose but what happened at Astroworld just kept floatin in her mind..she had to talk to him bout it or she would alwayz be bothered by it..tha conversation went a lil sumpthin like dis... Adri: umm..Bri? can ask u a question? Brian: Yup..sure..wazzup? Adri: well..rememba when we got out tha cyclone and that fan asked if i waz ur gurl? Brian: umm..yeah..wha bout it? Adri: well...u never answered what do u see me as?..a friend..or ur gurl? Brian: be honest with ya..i like ya a lot..and i want to get 2 know u betta..hopefully in time u will be ma gurl. Adri: ooohhh..okie dokiez..i guess we'll see den huh? Brian: yup..we will
~~~~ Time to go home~~~~
Evryone finished their mealz and headed for home. Tha guyz paid tha check but tha gal'z insisted on payin their half. They felt as if they could atleast do that much. But tha guyz won this fight and paid tha bill. They all got in their carz and headed for home.
~~~~ At tha Hotel~~~~
When evryone arrived..they all went up to their roomz and just chilled. De and Kevin decided to go to her room and watch a movie (porno!!!..lmao). They ordered room service and cuddled up on tha floor watchin Selena. Nhi and Howie went out dancin at club CoCo Loco. Brian and Adri just went down to tha lobby to talk..about nuthin in particular. Nick and Cecilia went swimmin..(skinnydippin..EEWWWWW..nick nekkid...oh eyez!!...lmao). That just left Annie and A.J. Annie waz changin..she wanted to go out somewhere..she didn't feel like stayin indoorz on a Saturday nite. A.J on tha otha hand waz pacin around in his room like a nervous wreck. He looked at his clock and it read 10:30 pm. " damn it!!...she'll be here in less an hour..wha am i gonna do?" he silently cursed himself. Annie just decided to stay inside tha hotel after all. She had nowhere to go and no one to go with. She changed into her Pekkle Jammiez and ordered some room service. She went into tha bathroom and looked at herself in tha mirror.." i'm not ugly!!..i'm pretty damn fine accordin to tha guyz!!" She thought. She shook it out of her mind and removed her makeup. She tied tha drawstring of her Pekkle tight flare flannel pantz and straightened her matchin tanktop. She laughed at herself cuz on tha pantz Pekkle looked like he waz hangin onto her ass. " i wonder if he'll smell it if i fart..hahaha" she thought. She put her hair up in a doughnut and sat on her bed flippin channelz while waitin for room service. 11:45 rolled around quickly and A.J went to tha lobby to meet his longtime gal..Amanda. As he waz walkin down tha hall...he glanced at Annie'z penthouse door.." i wonder what she'z doin..who she'z thinkin bout...what she'z wearin..haha..u got it bad McLean" he silently laughed at himself and got in tha elevator.
~~~~ Tha Lobby~~~~
As A.J stepped out of tha empty elevator..he quickly glanced around to see if Amanda had arrived yet. She was nowhere insight so he took a seat in booth near tha entrance. He suddenly heard laughter. He looked in tha direction in where it came from and saw Adri and Brian in ther jammiez havin a gud time 2getha. He waz sort of jealouz of tha two cause they got along so well and liked each otha from tha first time they met. He wanted that..with Annie..not Amanda..Annie. He watched closely at what they were doin ..Brian waz stickin strawz in his nose and Adri waz wippin away tearz cause she waz laughin so hard. " damn..lookz must run in tha family" he thought as he looked at Adri. A.J laughed along with what they did and his trance waz broken by a familiar voice.." Hey baby!..longtime no kiss" squealed Amanda while slobbin ova A.J'z face. He came back to reality and simply smiled at her. He looked her ova and almost threw up..she had on cutchie cutter shortz and a baby t-shirt. He waz once attracted to her but now..she waz just trashy. She sat down next to him and put her hand on his leg..and it waz movin up further. a Table near by~~~~
"haha..B-Rok stomach is startin to hurt and i ain't got no more tears.." Annie pleaded. Adri waz still laughin at him when sumpthin caught her eye and she suddenly stopped. Brian who waz enjoyin makin her laugh stopped too cause he noticed she had. He followed her eyesight and waz shocked at what he saw. " Brian?...who is that?" she asked pointin to tha gurl who waz kissin A.J. " Oh..her?..umm..she'z A.J'z gurlfriend..Amanda" he answered hesitantly. " Oh..she'z..uh..umm..she'z nice..i guess" Adri stuttered. " man..i gotta tell Annie" she made herself a mental note and continued lookin. " Nope..she'z really a bitch to us..i mean she'z nice when A.J'z around but..she'z a completley different person when he'z not." Brian commented. " I don't think she'z gud for him..he can do much better than her..she'z just usin him to jump start her career." he explained. " oh...then y tha hell is he still with her?" questioned Adri. " i dunno..i guess he thinkz she luvz him or sumpthin." replied Brian. " well..n e wayz..i'm gonna head back upstairz..k?" asked adri. " yup..ok..i'll come with ya" suggested Brian while wigglin his eyebrowz at her. " hahaha...No" Adri said. " awww that way" he pouted and gave her a puppy dog face. " oh no..that shit is not gonna work this time mister" Adri stated. " but u can come and watch a lil T.V wit me if ya want?" implied Adri. " dat'z a plan" agreed Brian.Tha couple walked past A.J and Amanda holdin handz. While walkin past them..Brian gave A.J a why-is-she-here look. A.J just shrugged helplessly and watched as they went into tha elevator.
~~~~ Annie'z Room~~~~
RING..RING..RING... Annie stuck the Oreo in her mouth and answered tha hotel phone. " Heoowwo" Annie managed to get out while tryin to chew tha cookie. " huh?...Annie..whatcha doin gurl?" asked Adri on tha other line. " oh..just chillin and watchin Jerry Springer. wha bout u?" asked Annie while swallowin tha remainz of her cookie. All of a sudden they heard " Adri..hurry so we can call room service babe.!!" Brian shouted. " oh..gud lawd!!..u gave him cootchie?..hahahaha!!" Annie laughed. " No..i didn't give him n e stupid..he'z just here cause we're gonna watch Dumb and Dumber" Adri replied. " oh..okiez..whateva ya say cuz...soo..why'd ya call?" asked Annie while munchin on some Cheetoz. " oh..guess who's here?" adri asked. " yo mamma?" Annie joked. " nah bish..she'z wit yo mamma rememba?" Adri shot back. "ooohhh's here?" Annie replied. " A.J'z gal" Adri said. Annie nearly chocked on a chip. " What did u say?..he has a gurl..damn it!!" Annie yelled. " ooohhh..somebodiez jealouz..somebodiez jealouz!!" Adri chanted. " fuck u bish..i'm not jealouz..imma be pissed if they fuck and i can't sleep cuz they'll be moanin and shit." Annie replied aggrivated. " yeah..yeah..whateva..n e wayz..imma be outiez 2000 cuz...i just wanted to call ya an let ya know Amanda'z in town. Adri said. " who?" Annie questioned. " Amanda..that'z her name." Adri replied. "ooohhh..ok..well..g'nite..and don't let Brian bite..hahaha" Annie screamed and quickly hung up before her cuz could respond.
~~~~ Adri'z Room~~~~
Adri laughed at her cousin'z comment and hung up tha phone. " who'd ya call" asked Brian while lyin his head on her lap. " oh..Annie..i called to tell her Amanda waz in town." Adri responded. "ooohh..ok..well tha movie is bout to start so want me to call room service for ya?" Brian asked. " yup yup..that would be cool...i'll be rite back" Adri stated while gettin up. " hey where ya goin?" asked Brian. " oh..just to get a blanket...I'll be right back..haha" Adri said while tryin to imitate Stewy from Scream 1. Brian just laughed at her and continued orderin their snackz.
~~~~ A.J'z Room~~~~
A.J waz lyin in bed with a wifebeater on and some Ambercrombie & Fitch boxerz. Amanda suggested they shared a room and waz in tha bathroom showerin. He waz flippin thru tha channel'z with remote in hand. All of a sudden he heard someone scream " Jerry Jerry Jerry..woo woo..kick her ass gurl!!". It waz comin from Annie'z room. He laughed aloud at what she waz sayin.." she'z talkin to tha T.V..haha..that'z cute" A.J thought. " what r u laughin at baby?" Amanda asked while dryin her hair. " oh..nuthin..just thought of sumpthin..that'z all." A.J replied. Amanda climbed into bed with him and kissed him hungrily. She waz about to remove his wifebeater when suddenly she heard " amanda stop." A.J told her to stop and pulled his shirt back down. " what'z tha matter baby?...we haven't seen each other in 2 monthz and u don't wanna have a lil fun?" Amanda cooed. " look..i know we've been 2getha for 9 monthz now and i do care for ya alot but i don't think we should see each otha n e more." A.J said while starin at tha wall. He couldn't stand to see her face while he waz breakin up with her. " but hunny!..what happened..don't u luv me n e more?...ur just gonna throw away 9 monthz?!! goddamn u!!" Amanda screamed. She waz furiouz..she didn't luv him but she waz attracted to him and and basically wanted him for sex and money. She waz thinkin " oh no..he'z not gonna break up with me now!..he hasn't even promoted ma album yet..damn it..i gotta do sumpthin!!". " baby!! please..can we talk bout this first?" Amanda begged. She faked a smile and kissed him on tha lipz gently. " Amanda..i mean it..i'm sorry but u gotta go..." before A.J could finish what he said tha door opened. Amanda and A.J looked at who waz at tha door and there stood Annie...with a Funions bag in her hand.(lmao) "oh..holy shit!! bad!!...i heard screamin and i just wanted to see if sumpthin waz wrong." Annie apologized. " well that would be none of ur bussiness..and if u would please close tha door..we have sumpthin to do" as Amanda said this she kissed A.J forcefully. Annie looked into A.J'z eyez with hurt in them. " hold up...don't be talkin to me like that..u don't know who u fuckin with bitch!!" Annie retorted. By this time Amanda waz off tha bed and in Annie'z face. Amanda waz a gud 3 inchez shorter than Annie so she had to look up a lil. " oh yeah?..then what tha fuck r u gonna do about it?" amanda responded. Annie pushed her soo hard she fell onto tha bed where A.J waz now sittin up. " have fun..and please keep tha goddamn noise down....let a Lao/Italian sistah eat in peace!!" Annie screamed. Before she stormed out of tha doorway annie turned and looked at A.J with questionin and hurtful eyez..........
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