Chapter 6

Chapter 6

~~ A.J~~

I handed the phone back to Adri and she laughed at the dreamy expression on my face. " Look at him...that'z tha look he has when we tell him that we're gonna stop at McD'z..hahaha" Brian laughed. Evryone laughed along with him. I could care less if they were laughin at me or not. As long as I had Annie waz all good. I stuck my tongue out at evrybody and climbed into my bunk. I can't wait till we get to Philly. I waz just dreamin along till I saw Nhi open the curtainz to my bunk and smile down at me. I chuckled.." Sorry Nhi...but I don't think D would be happy if u climbed in here.." I joked. She laughed along with me and came in anywayz.
" So...I'm guessin by the look on ur face....she still wantz to be with ya huh?" she asked whilke eyeing me. I nodded..." Yup..I just apologized and told her how much she meant to me." I smiled. " That'z gud...u guyz make a great couple...almost greater than me and Howie....hahaha" she laughed. I threw a pillow at her and she ducked. She stuck her tongue at me and kissed me on the cheek. " I told ya evrything will work out.." she grinned. " I never doubted ya at all..." I chuckled. " Suuurrreeeee..ya didn't..hehehe..." she laughed. I laughed with her and all of a sudden a faint.."Nhi?..sweetie?..where'z my shirt?" waz heard. Nhi rolled her eyez playfully. " Well..the oh so great Latin Lover is callin..gotta go!! Bye Bone!!" she yelled before dissappearing from my bunk. " Bye Nhi!!!" I cried out in tha same tone and I heard her chuckle.
We drove for awhile longer..." Kev?" I asked while poking my head into his bunk. " Oopppz..hahaha..sowwie." I cheesed when I found him and De makin out. I went back to my bunk and tried to hold in my laughter. " What Bone?" Kevin asked finally. " Ummm.. nuthin..just wanted to ask what time we're doin soundcheck.." I replied while looking at a picture of me and Annie at tha beach. We went there tha day before tha guyz and me had to leave for tour. " Oh..I think management said at like 3:00." he responded. " Okie Dokie..thanx grandpa.." I whispered to myself. " Hey!!..I heard that..!!" Kevin yelled at me. I laughed outloud and wondered what tonite'z concert will be like. I'm bummed Annie wasn't here to see me perform our first date on the 99' U.S tour. She specifically asked her dean at college to give her sometime off to tour with us and it waz granted. I waz so happy when she told me the gud newz.
A little while later I heard Tim our bus driver call us out. We had reached the venue. As usual we were bombarded by fanz. I stopped to sign a couple autographz and take a couple of picturez. They were really nice. Some noticed that the rest of the guyz had gurlz come out the bus with them and whispered amongst themselvez. Some asked who they were and the guyz gladly told them that they were their gurlfriendz. some were upset but some were more mature than that and actually wished them luck in their relationship. I thought that waz sweet of them. We finally made it too the arena and did what we usually did at soundcheck. Warmed up our voicez and check if the instrumentz were working properly. After that waz done..we met up with Fatima and went over a couple of routinez. She worked us hard. She alwayz doez that. So that waz all gud..I actually had fun again. The thought of kissing Annie again got me hyped up and danced the best I ever doid before. Fatimah noticed this and smiled.
" Who'z the lucky gurl Bone?" she asked while we were on break. I pretended to not know what she waz talking about and shrugged. She laughed and pushed me playfully. " U know what I'm talkin bout...what'z her name?" she asked again. I smiled at her and finally gave in.." Annie.." I replied with happiness in my voice. Tima giggled and ooooed and aawwwed. " Can I meet her sometimez?...I'm really curious of who has got u hooked now..hehe" she smiled. I rolled my eyez at her.." Yup..she'll be touring with us startin at Philly..u could meet her then." Tima jumped up and down and laughed. She'z so silly sometimez. I smiled and jumped along with her.

~~ Annie~~

I smiled throughout dinner. My dad noticed and laughed. I looked up from my food and loked at him like he waz crazy. " Daddy?..U ok..whatcha been drinkin?" I asked playfully. My dad looked at me and smiled..." Well..I guess with that smile...I'm supposing at has something to do with A.J.." he commented. " Yup..I'm flying out to Philly tommorow..." I told him while sticking some chicken in my mouth. My dad nodded and smiled somemore. " I'm glad u could sort thingz out with him sweetie." my dad replied. I looked at him thankfully and went on to finish my food. Manley came in and put away the dishez and dad and I offered to help.
Manley simply smiled and allowed us to do so. " Daddy? u really like A.J?" I asked while handing a soapy dish to him. " Yup..we only met once but he'z a good golfer and he seemz to really love u hun.." he said while looking at me. " He'z a gud boy..." he added with a smile. I grinned at the thought of A.J and dad playing golf.That thought amused me to no limit. A.J couldn't eve put-put...nonetheless golf. But oh well....I just can't wait to see him again. I excused myself after the dishez were done. Kissed my dad goodnite and I hoped into bed after a cold shower. " Maybe I should pack now..." I whispered to myself. I thought it over and over but finally decided to do it tommorow. Hey..I'm lazy ok?

~~ A.J~~

" Thank You!!!! Georgia!!!" I hollered into the microphone and waz answered with applause and screamz. I loved that...I loved to see people smiling and having a gud time. It made my job and time worthwhile. We ran offstage in a rush and stopped to catch our breathez. The gurlz were watching from backstage and greeted tha guyz. I plopped down on the couch in the green room as they kissed and hugged. Where'z annie when ya need her? I laughed to myself and evrybody turned to give me a weird look. " What?..Wha I do?" I asked. " I think A.J needz a hug guyz!!" Adri yelled out. Evryone exchanged lookz and finally came hoarding towardz me. My eyez widened in fear and jumped on Q'z back. " Go Q Go!!..They're gonna kill me!! hahaha" I laughed. Q smiled anbd dropped me on ma ass. I got up and pouted as I rubbed my toosh. " That hurt Q.." I grinned. Q rolled his eyez and pushed his towardz the room where the fanz with backstage passez were waiting.
I walked towardz a group of teenz that were kinda shy I guess. They didn't seem to talk much. " Hey..waddup ladiez." I smiled to them. One giggled and the other blushed. The rest just stared at me. " Well...okie any stuff for me to sign?..Or do u guyz wanna take picturez first?"asked. They agreed to take picturez and i also signed some notebookz and posterz after that. I said goodbye to them and went to sign thingz for other fanz. One by one they piled out and I walked over to an empty couch to sit. " That went well.." I smiled. " Yup...they were nice..except that one girl that kept mad-dogging me.." CeCe complained. Nick smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. " That'z cause they now ur with me.." he responded. " Oh...but still..there waz really no need to do that tho.." she said. I smiled at her...." But we get that all tha time tho....Amanda used to be threaten at timez...but then again all I did waz laugh." I sighed.
" Why speak of the past bone..she'z history yo..." De mentioned. I nodded in agreement. " Let'z get goin ya'll..we're leaving in 15 minutez for Philadelphia." my said while coming in the room. We groaned and made or way towardz the bus. " Atleast I'll be seeing ma baby.." I smiled and evrybody laughed. " What?" I asked annoyed now.

~~ Annie~~

The next morning came quickly. I showered and got dressed. I wanted to loook gud for ma baby so I chose to wear some dark denim flared jeanz and a matching jacket. I had a red satin tank under that. I brushed my hair and went natural. After all...I don't think he likez alot of make up on gurlz. I asked my dad to drive me to the airport and he gladly obliged. Once we got there he did tha usual asking:

" Do u have ur ticket? he asked.

" Yup" I answered and knew that, that was just the beginning of his questionz.

" Money?"

" Yup"

" ID and driverz license?"

" Got `em"

" All ur luggage and neccessitiez?"

" Yup"

" Cellphone and pager incase I need to reach u?"

" Yes daddy...geez..I got evrything" I smiled while hugging him.

" Ok..just lookin out for ya get goin..ur flight waz just called." he smiled. I nodded and gave him a last kiss goodbye before boarding the plane.

~ Adri~~

I waz awoken by A.J. DUH!!! Tha boy waz all over the place. I swear ta Bhudda i have never seen anyone that hyper before...well yea I have..Annie. I turned to see Brian peacefulkly sleeping and smiled. I kissed him on the nose and he grinned in his sleep. " Wakey Wakey baby...hey that rhymez.." I laughed to myself. " long have u been up?" he asked while pulling new closer. " Longer than u.." I teased. He stuck his tongue at me and tickled me to no end. " Hahahaha...must...breathe..." I groaned. " Oh....hehehe..sowwie babe." he apologized. " It'z otay...let'z go see what Bone'z up to..." I suggested and dragged him out of bed. Boxerz and all. Woooo hooo...sexay!!! Hahahaha! !!
We made our way into the Entertainment Room and saw A.J watching T.V. He saw us coming and smiled. " Mornin lovebirdz!!" he laughed. I grinned..." Ur happy today rn't u?" I teased. " Yup Yup..Imma see my baby in about..." he stated while looking at his watch.." 30 minutez." he finished. " That'z coo...well..i better go get dressed...I don't want ma cuz to see me this funktafied..hahah" I laughed. Brian followed me and smiled. " I'm glad to see him happy again.." he commented. " Ditto.." I grinned and headed towardz the bathroom to take a quick shower.
When we arrived at tha airport..A.J waz first to jump off the bus. I exchanged knowing lookz with Brian and smiled. " C'mon lazy buttiez!!...We gotta go and meet her before her flight arrivez." he screamed and evryone rolled their eyez and jogged up to him. " A.J u need to slow down..u might fall and bust a butt cheek in those pantz..hahah" I laughed at him. A.J looked down at his attire and laughed along with me. That boy had on xtremley baggy black slackz and a white wife beater with a yellow short sleeved dress shirt over that. He tucked in the wife beater and wrapped a belt around that since his pantz would fall down if he didn't. He didn't have shadez on but that AF beanie never left his head.
We found the gate that Annie would be arriving in and waited. Luckily there weren't alot of people there cause if there were...that guyz would have been mobbed since Q wasn't here with us. Tha gate waz finally opened and people poured out of the hallway in tenz. Soon i spotted a gurl tha resembled annie...she had on denim jeanz and a matching jacket. " Annie!!!" I yelled while waving my armz in the air like maniac. She looked around for whoever called her name and spotted us. She ran quickly to me but waz caught in A.J'z armz. I laughed at the expression on her face. " A.J let her breathe..." I joked. He smiled and kissed her...deeply. I saw tongue and all. I looked at Brian who had an amused look on his face. He looked down at me and smiled. " this is going to be a LONG tour.." he whispered. I nodded and smiled. That waz so true.

~~ A.J~~

Oh waz so gud to hug her again. She smelled great. CK one. " I missed u..." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me and smiled. Only one word came to mind. Beautiful. " I know..I missed u alot too.." she grinned. I looked into her eyez and got lost. I knew she waz telling the truth. " Bone...share dude.." Nick smiled while hugging Annie. She hugged evryone and came back to me. She slipped her hand in mine and smiled...." I love u..". I closed my eyez and sighed. How did i ever deserve her? " I love u too" I said while sliding the ring on her finger. She looked down at it and smiled. " I missed it.." she laughed. I watched as she bit her lip and blinked nervously. " What'z wrong baby?" I asked while grabbing her waist. Sometimez i feel my handz were made to be there. " Nuffinz....I'm just glad to back with u again.." she gushed. I kissed her in return and suggested we go get her bagz.
Once again...she over packed. " Dang baby...u did bring ur house didn't u?" I laughed. " Yup..I knew I'd be homesick so I broought my potz , dad...and my car." she grinned. " I hope u can carry alla dat." she added. I Laughed at her ans smiled. That'z what I missed about her too..her crazy and sarcastic sense of humor. As we got her bagz...Annie looked around her.." This place isn't jammed packed..." she commented to herself. " Nope..." Kev answered her. " will be home for the next couple of I hope u like it..." I said when we approached tha bus. " Dang..can we say big?" she laughed while stepping up in it. " Big.." Nick laughed. " Smart bubble butt.." Annie joked at him. nick pouted at her but soon chased her around the bus. I smiled and set her bagz down next to mine. It waz gud to have my gal back again.

Chapter 7