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FENG SHUI ELEGANCE, INTL. - Feng Shui Consultant, Teresa Ann Foxworthy, Holistic Feng Shui, Classical, Compass, Bagua, Lo Shui, Form, Schools, Sacred Geometry, Use of Art, Color Selection, Room Assigments, Residential, Commercial, Corporate, Fragrant Gardens, Auspicious, Environmental Harmony, Green, Sustainable, Feng Shui, Architecture, Landscapes, Site Selection, Interior Design, Decorating, Creating Sanctuary, Sacred Space, Clear the Clutter, Chi Flow, Transcendental Cures, Practical Design Strategies, Energy Clearing, Shamanic Healing, Elements, Consultations, Feng Shui Life Coach, Life Coaching

FENG SHUI ELEGANCE, INT'L. - 877.472.6474 - Teresa Ann Foxworthy, Feng Shui Consultant with 20+ years experience doing Commercial and Residential Feng Shui.

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Skilled in the various schools of Feng Shui, Teresa Ann Foxworthy is a professional Feng Shui Consultant with over 20 years experience. With Residential & Commercial Feng Shui clients in USA and abroad, her Feng Shui consultations will address your Feng Shui needs at your home, office, or commercial site! Click the Temple Door to enter site!

Call Teresa: WEST COAST: 415.289.2213 / EAST COAST: 410.347.1493

All rights reserved. c 1990 - 2009 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved. Contact: WEST COAST: 415.289.2213 / EAST COAST: 410.347.1493