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AXIS AVANTE GROUP - Professional Image Consulting

Image Consultant, Image Consulting, Marin, SF Bay Area, Teresa Ann Foxworthy -- 415.289.2213
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Teresa Ann Foxworthy
P.O. Box 150383
San Rafael, California
94915 USA
(415) 289.2213

New Millennium Consulting introduces AXIS AVANTE GROUP's AUTHENTIC IMAGE CONSULTING to help you show up with a winning presentation on your journey to personal & professional success. Using a variety of techniques, you can achieve an image that conveys what you want to say! Hair, grooming, attire, accessories, demeanor, speech, etiquette, conversation skills...

First impressions are most important, but it doesn't end there. Develop the style that will open doors for you...

Call for an appointment...

NCal Tel: ( 4 1 5 ) 2 8 9 . 2 2 1 3

SCal Tel: ( 3 2 3 ) 3 0 8 . 8 5 3 1

Tollfree USA: ( 8 8 8 ) 8 0 0 . 1 2 4 1

With the help of our professional image consultant, you can create a winning solution for your image concerns. Develop a strategy that will take you from the boardroom to the field, from stage to plane, from office to theatre, and then back home again.

Easy going consultant works with you to make you feel comfortable while you learn to dress for success! In-person sessions in San Anselmo (N Cal), San Diego (S Cal), & Baltimore, MD. Coaching-by-phone & email, too. Reasonable rates.

Man, woman, newly promoted, graduated, hopeful, new region, industry, you name it, we will create an image strategy that will open doors before you begin to speak. Garner the respect you deserve by letting your image work hard for you. Understand your self, your objectives, & your audience! Authentic Image Consulting reveals your deeper essence for a more authentic you!

CLICK HERE to request more information or set up an appointment.


  • an objective perspective
  • a clear concept for image development
  • re-vitalizing one's wardrobe
  • developing poise and presence
  • choosing your best colors
  • knowing where to shop
  • developing one's speech
  • choosing the right hairstyle
  • & getting support!


Coaching Programs