Latest Happenings
Desert Reign's new CD,
"Do You Believe"
is available, but it's not on the website yet, so if
your interested you could just call 575-491-0080.
And for info on Jim's new album, "Back
on Track," just email him at
Both of these and more are available at any of our
Howdy All Y'all from Hobbs, NM.
Labor Day to each of you. Of course, some
of you read this travelogue at work (Shame on
you for reading personal email on company time!
:)). For those of you who do that and who are
off work today, happy Day-After-Labor-Day. I say
that because I don't want you to feel left out.
You're allowed to be happy, too. And we have
many things to be happy about this Labor Day, a
day set aside to recognize the American worker.
It's no news that things are tougher now during
this recession than they were just a few years
ago, but my parents lived through the
Great Depression (though there was
nothing great about it--why do they call it
that?), and when I heard their stories about
real poverty in this country, they're really
chilling. I'm not talking about the kind of
poverty where you've broken your
ipod and can't
afford to get another one. I'm talking about the
kind where the only meal you've had in the last
three days is a piece of bread with cheese
melted over it. Folks, things aren't super now,
but they ain't bad, so let's thank the Lord for
what we have. Our glass is a little more than
half full, so thank you, God, for your blessings
to us.
Of course, Labor Day also signifies the
unofficial beginning of Autumn, with kids back
in school, cooler nights, and of course,
football. If you're a football fan like me (and
I really do thank the Lord for football), you've
waited seven long months for this season and you
can rejoice that it's here. Third cousin Luther
Bubba of the Ozark Mountain branch of the family
is having a big party there in the Ozarks
on Thursday evening when the NFL opens
its season with the Steelers-Titans game (go
Steelers!!), and fourth cousins Mugsy and Bugsy
of the Chicago branch of the family are having a
little get-together
Sunday night at a movie theater that they
recently bought cheap from a man with two broken
legs (I wonder how that happened?) to watch the
Chicago Bear-Green Bay Packer contest.
Of course, more important than any of that is
the fact that we're holding a revival here in
Hobbs, NM, USA,
on Wednesday. We're with our friend
pastor Benny Greenlee at his church, the
Full Gospel Assembly
of Faith. Pastor Benny and his congregation are
always great to us when we come here, so it
makes returning a real pleasure. We want to
invite any and all of you who can to join us
here in Hobbs at
7:00 PM nightly starting
Wednesday night. We'll be set up outside
the church on our trailer, and pastor Benny is
going to set up a tent. The church will have
some chairs set up, but if you'd like to bring
some lawn chairs along, have at it! And the
church is easy to find. For those of you coming
from the west, it's the first building you'll
see on the Carlsbad Highway on the left just
before the first stoplight in Hobbs. For those
of you coming from anywhere else, head to
Carlsbad out of Hobbs and it's the last building
on the right as you exit Hobbs. I hope to see
you here! And before I go, I want to thank all
the incredible folks we spent time with last
week at the Country Church in
Amarillo, TX and
First Baptist Church in Carey, TX. There
was indeed a whole heepin' bunch of Texas
hospitality shown to us; it's just so great when
folks share the love of
the Lord.
That's all for now, All Y'all. Keep prasin' the
Lord and havin' fun!

Jim & Domz
Don't forget to check out Desert
Reign videos on
You can click on 'MORE FROM
lorigal220' to see more Desert reign videos.
*****Lori's thoughts*****
I woke up
in the middle of the night about 12 years ago with a
little tune and some lyrics…
subject to change
Just like
the weather
I know the
One Who’s the same
today and forever
So I’ll
smile at the storm
I’ll dance
in the rain
I’ll speak
to the mountain
‘Cause its
subject to change.”
Isn’t that
the truth? We live in a constant state of change, yet
God never changes! That is so comforting to me! We can
be an agent of change too. Oh, now wait a minute, don’t
go thinking I’m getting on the political bandwagon! (I
think God’s healthcare plan is a winner, by the way! )
I mean we
serve such a great God, that can do anything…there is
nothing too hard for Him! He can fix it! So when you
see a storm…you can smile because you know the One Who
can calm it. When its raining, you do not need to get
depressed…do a little singing, like
LeeAnn Womack …and I
hope you dance!
Let’s talk
about the mountain. Its something that seems huge,
immovable, maybe even cold, and dangerous. That
mountain is SUBJECT TO CHANGE! Think of it…EVERYTHING
(except for God) is subject to change. That means
drug addicts, atheists, cancer,
diabetes, your household, your children, your
neighborhood, your country, everything!
Problems and troubles? Yes we have plenty. But I have
come to see these as opportunities to experience God.
There’s a line in a song God gave me that goes like
this: “Sure I’ve got troubles, but they don’t have
me”. You can tell when someone’s troubles ‘have them’;
that’s all they talk about. (Out of the abundance of
the heart the mouth speaks.) Where do we set our
minds? According to
Colossians, we are to set our minds on things
above not on things of the earth.
Things above…do you think the
apostle Paul is talking about heaven? I love
that part in the Lord’s prayer that says, “Thy kingdom
come….Thy will be done…on earth as it is in heaven.”
Jesus is encouraging us to ask the Father for His will
to come to earth. What happens in heaven? Is it not the
will of God that is
fully manifest there? There is no sickness, no
disease, no crime, no drugs….yet we live here where this
earth has become subject to the will of Satan. That
evil intent and satanic will is SUBJECT TO CHANGE!
I read the beginning of the Bible, I am in awe of the
power of God, and the
power of His Word! There was no light, and He spoke,
“let there be light” and light was. Romans 4:17 is an
accurate statement about how God does things. He calls
those things that be not as though they were.
What if we
stop speaking about the problem and just start speaking
the solution? That’s called faith. Faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
that are not seen. Faith pleases God. Let’s pray for
God’s will to be poured out in our earthly lives and
serve notice to our problem, that it is SUBJECT TO
CHANGE! ***************************************
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Lubbock, Texas 79424
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Latest Happenings
Howdy All Y'all from Hamlin, TX, home of
the Pied Pipers.
You heard me right, the athletic teams at this fine little
west Texas town are known as the Pied Pipers. And why not?
Isn't Hamlin where the famous Pied Piper drove all the
rats out of town? Or maybe that was St. Patrick. Maybe the
Pied Piper was the one who led all the children out of
town. If so, I'll bet the FBI is involved. Aren't they the
ones who handle the kidnapping cases? And since I used
"FBI" and "kidnapping" in an email, probably all of my
future emails will be intercepted and read by the
government. It's all a conspiracy anyway, like the shooter
on the grassy knoll. Don't get me started!! And if you
think I'm bad, you should talk to third cousin Luther
Bubba from the Ozark Mountain branch of the family. I'm
beginning to think he's about half a bubble off plumb.
Here's a transcript of a phone conversation I had with him
recently (I copied it off a government wiretap):
Luther Bubba: Hi cousin Jim, it's Luther
Bubba. Please step into your bathroom and turn the water
Me: Why would I want to do that, Luther Bubba?
Luther Bubba: 'Cause I think the federales is recordin'
us whilst we conversate.
Me: What makes you think that?
Luther Bubba: 'Cause the feller what crashed his
aerioplane into my pickup truck was a CIA dude. (Refer
to travelogue two weeks ago for further information. Or
maybe it was three weeks ago. I forget exactly.)
Me: Luther Bubba, the CIA is only supposed to operate
on foreign soil.
Luther Bubba: What does the kinda soil matter to them
guys? The topsoil where we wuz at wuz purty good but I
don't even know what kinda soil foreign soil is. Is it
good an' rich, or clay-like, or sandy or what?
Me: Never mind, Luther Bubba. There I'm running the
water now (Hissing sound in background). What can I do for
Luther Bubba: I wuz jest wond'rin' where you wuz at
these days, cousin Jim.
Me: Well we're in Lubbock, TX at the moment, but we'll
be heading to Hamlin, TX soon.
Luther Bubba: Oh yeah, I heard o' Hamlin. That's the
town named after that feller that that Shakespeare dude
wrote about. You know: (Lowers his voice dramatically)
"Poor ol' Yoric, I knowed 'im good."
Me: Actually, Luther Bubba, that was Hamlet, not
Luther Bubba: You're goin' to Hamlet, TX? I thought
you said Hamlin.
Me: I did say Hamlin. It's the play...
Luther Bubba: Sorry cousin Jim. I gotta hang up afore
the federales can track this here call. Bye. (Click)
Now I ask you, do any of you have conversations with your
relatives that go like that? I certainly hope not!
Speaking of Lubbock, we had a blast there on Saturday
night playing a concert with Chuck and Lee and their
worship team from Celebration Christian Center, and also
with Tom & Sherry Green and their family. We were also
there last Friday, one week after the first day of spring.
The high temperature reached 35 degrees, the wind gusted
up to 50 mph, and it snowed. What happened to the old
saying about the month of March: "In like a lion, out like
a lamb?"
guess since a lamb is covered in wool, maybe it stays warm
with the windchill in the 20s. And here's something I
always wondered. If you wash a wool sweater, it shrinks,
but if a sheep gets wet, why doesn't it shrink? I'll bet
you've been wondering that, too.
Domino News
The sudden icy temperatures caught Domino the
Diva Cat off guard. She complained all day about the
weather getting so cold after she'd already begun to
shed her winter coat. She'd go to the door wanting out,
but when I'd open it, she'd turn around and run back
inside. Today it's been just the opposite; she wants out
into the mild temperatures all day, and she gets mad
when I tell her she has to stay in if I'm gone. It's
always amazed me that such a small creature can make so
much noise.
The temperatures might have gotten a whole lot milder,
but the winds are still here. While we were driving to
Hamlin on Sunday, the wind actually blew a piece of the
metal siding off my trailer--folded it right back like
it was a piece of tin foil. If it hadn't been for RC's
know how and ability, we would've been in trouble for
sure, but he had the problem repaired right there
alongside the road in about half-an-hour and we were
back on our way.
We're here in Hamlin through Wednesday at the Foursquare
Gospel Church, then we're in Hermleigh, TX Sunday
morning and evening, then it's back to Lubbock for the
rest of that week. We'd love to see a bunch of y'all
show up--just check out
www.desert-reign.org for details.

That's all for now, All Y'all. Keep praisin' the Lord
and havin' fun!
Jim & Domz
YOU TUBE VIDEOS! (click title)
The upcoming CGMA Western Convention will be held
in Carlsbad, NM June 15-20
Please click picture for further details!
We had an incredible time on our 2008
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It's a wonderful time of fun, fellowship, great music and
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Branson Holiday Cruise
will sail out of
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To book your
cabin call Micki or Gene Farington at
870-741-1407 with your credit card information.
Remember you must have your passport to travel and your
reservation must be made in the same name that is
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We look forward
to hearing from you to make your reservations ASAP.
Call today!
Micki & Gene
CGCRadio Travel
575-491-7556 |
A merry heart does good like
medicine! It is so easy to allow the cares of this life to
overwhelm us. I was just talking to Pastor Buff & his
lovely wife Lana....she shared with me a precious encounter
she had with the Lord. He showed her a picture of her and
her husband as two children on a playground, laughing and
enjoying eah other. All the strife and pressures just
melted away as the two in the picture just enjoyed being
We are children of the Most High God.
He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. He is
Jehovah Jireh, your provider. He is Jehovah Rapha, the God
that heals you. He is your Good Shepherd. He has promised
to make perfect everything that concerns you. (Ps.138:8) So
I hear the Spirit of the Lord whispering one simple word.
Smile. Go ahead. Take a deep breath and smile.
Thank you all so much for all the
We caught a rare glimplse of Jim's
cousin Luther Bubba's long lost half brother while in
(yes he is a little sideways)
....and their lovely mom...
battles SFHS--- severe facial hair syndrome) Ha Ha!
this is Tim and Jim having a little fun with a long wig
while we were tearing down and loading our equipment
Saturday night.
I want to
tell you about a new website MasterWorks from Portales NM
has up and running right now!! I've previewed the site and
I am SO excited about it! Now you can digitally download
individual songs or whole albums from us and alot of our
called "The Back Forty" (4-d) just
click the picture:
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