Disney Banner Exchange!!Disney Banner Exchange!!
Disney Banner Exchange!!

Member of the Disney Banner Network

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Hi! Thankyou for visiting my site! This site is dedicated to Disney.

It is quite obvious that Walt Disney was a very brilliant man. Through

the pictures in my site you can see that Mickey Mouse and Many of his

friends have evolved through the years. From the cute black and white

version of Mickey to the present day mouse (in color of course). Walt

Disney has kept people mesmorized since 1928, and even after death, will

continue keeping peoples attention. Please Enjoy my site!



"There's a terrific power to music. You can run any of these

pictures and they'd be dragging and boring, but the minute

you put music behind them, they have life and vitality they

don't get any other way."

-Walt Disney

I am currently working Mostly on Walt Disney World, Epcot, and Disney MGM...

Please be Patient!

Email: lora123_99@yahoo.com