Hershey 7.30.00

Ok, concert #17.. here you go!

The night before the concert, Kate and I did not sleep at ALL. Our highlight of the night was running around Philly at 5am taping a huge pic of JC's face to a statue that looks like Hitler. And going through the car wash playing Space Cowboy... twice. (You should try it) Anyway, we weren't tired so we left her house at like 7am cuz we were bored, and went to Hershey.

We got there at like 9:30 and decorated the car. LMAO. We put the Steve Fatone is a sexxxy bitch sign in the windshield, and all these Steve pics all over it, and wrote CRACKNUTS in glass chalk on the drivers side window. So anyway, we were DEAD tired by then, and we walked over to the Chocolate World thing and met this guy, he was a ticket broker named Joe. We talked to him for like 4 hours. Ugh. He had this skinny little rat friend, and he was a big fat thing. We nicknamed them: Scary and Rat Boy. But, they bought our poor assess lunch. YEE-HAW.

So then we were TIRED. It was like 2pm and we started walking to the car to go take a nap. We ran into these 2 girls, Cammie and Michelle and started talking to them. We ended up hanging out with them all day, and we were getting bored just walking around outside the venue so we decided to have fun with teenies.

Cammie just so happens to look a LOT like Justin. Yes, I mean JRT Bitch. She even has cornrows, lol. So Cammie and I walked ahead of them, and Kate RAN up to her screaming "OMG!! I saw you in a magazine with him, your Justin's cousin! OMG!OMG!OMG! Can I get a picture with you? What's he like? OMG!" (you have to understand she was SCREAMING this and talking a mile a minute, like she was really an excited fan) So Cammie starts RUNNING away, and I'm RUNNING behind her, Kate's chasing both of us screaming "Come back! You're Justin's cousin!!" By now, the entire crowd we are running through of like 400 people has parted for us, and they are all just staring. It was SO funny. We walked back around, and people started FOLLOWING us. It ws SO fun.

Also, you could hear soundcheck from outside, it was an outdoor arena, and EVERYTIME one of the guys would sing a note, all these people would SCREAM. After a line of No Strings Attached, all you hear is Jussy yell "SHUT UP!" It was so funny.

So then the show was starting, and I didn't have a ticket. So they went in. But, I ran into Joe the ticket man, and he gave me a ticket. Woohoo! It was pretty good too, but not good enough. After the opening acts, when No Strings Attached came on, I hopped the fence that led to the floor, and walked to the 10th row. Then during the next song, I moved to the 3rd row. And finally, I see an empty seat in Row 1, so I ask the 2 chicks on either side of it if I can sit there.. turns out their friends mom was in a car accident, and she couldn't make it.. so I watched the whole show from front row. Wow.

During the show, I made it a point to make faces at JC everytime he looked at me, I also threw a glowstick at him during This I Promise You. How do ya like me now Cracknuts? But I missed, I only hit his foot. On a funny side note, 2 other people threw glowsticks at him too, and one actually hit him. Props to whoever did it. lol.

So after the show, Kate, Cammie and Michelle didn't even know I got in, so they went back to the car and I wasn't there. So they went to talk to Emmett, he's the head of NSYNC's merchandise, and some of the workers. They tour with them and sell the glowsticks, pictures, etc. I first met Emmett in Hawaii, he's very cool. Well, they got to talking, and the merchandise people convinced the girls to go to Joliet... which turned out to be AMAZINGLY CRUNK!! On to THAT review...

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