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Ride Reviews for The Beach!

In this section, we will be giving you ride reviews so you can know what to do when the beach gets really crowded on a hot day and you don't want to stand in line. We will also give you age information to help you decide on what your child should and shouldn't ride on (based on our opinion). Sorry, but I could not get exact names for the slides because their (the beach's) web site was taken down and I could not remember the names of the slides, or if they even have names.
Remember, these ratings are based on a 5 star scale.

Tower Rides

The tower is located up the stairs right next to the black hole ride and is, like it says, a big tower with 3 of the tallest water slides in New Mexico. Also, the directions are from when you are in the tower, FACING the white slides.

The blue slide: The ride consists of you lying on your back and going in a tornado-like twist until you reach the bottom. The ride is definetly one of the fastest rides at the beach, but the blue slide is one of the most painful rides you will ever go on in New Mexico. When I go on it, my back became all red and scared up. It is the most popular ride at the beach, and they have reduced the pain level, but it still hurts me when I slide on it. The last time I checked, water slides were not supposed to be painful.
Christian's rating -
Marques' rating -
Age level: 10 and up

The slide to the right without the entrace tube: It may not look like it, but this slide has the least amount of drop to it, despite starting higher than the other slide. This slide is very fast, and very fun. You won't get lifted off the slide like the one right next to it or hit your head like in the blue slide. You will go fast, though. Great fun for anybody looking for a quick, fast ride or somebody going on their first speed slide.
Christian's rating -
Marques' rating -
Age level: 8 and up

The slide to the left with the entrance tube: This is one of the most fun rides in Albuquerque because of it's unique qualities that set this ahead of anything else:
1. The unique entrance tube, getting you ready for the big drop
2. The feeling of flying off the tube and not knowing whether or not you are on the slide
3. Probably the fastest ride in the metro area
I would have to say that the way you enter the slide is the best. There is a pipe that you go through that only takes about 5 seconds, but you are kept guessing when you are going down the slide. When you do finally make the big drop, you are partially pulled off the slide by the sudden drop, but you are picked up about a second later. A great ride for even the pickiest thrillseakers.
Christian's rating -
Marques' rating -
Age level: 8 and up

Other rides

Silver Bullet: This ride is a classic to the beach. It can be ridden by any member of your family with nobody getting scared of big drops. In this ride, you lie down on your back and gently slide down to the base. The ride isn't that fast, and proabably won't please any thrillseakers. But this was the first real water slide I ever went on. I have fond memories of it, and I still ride the Silver Bullet today.
Christian's rating -
Marques' rating -
Age level: 4 to 13 years old

The Black Hole: On this ride, you get into a black tube and simply slide on your back. The ride is very short (literally about 3 seconds) but is incredibly fast, so you don't really get to enjoy the fun. The ride also almost throws you into the pool, so you will probably get water in your nose. This really isn't a popular ride, and the last time I went, it was closed down for some reason. Not a great ride for anybody, but fun to try once.
Christian's rating -
Marques' rating -
Age level: 7 and up

The tube slide to the right: The tube slide to the right usually has a shorter line, and for good reason. This slide will never make you feel like you are out of control. But if you do get out of control, watch out. This is, to date, the only slide that I have flipped off of. At the very end of the slide, there is a huge turn, and if you go up too high, you will flip. The good thing is that it doesn't really hurt. Fun if you are in a hurry, but If you have the time, I suggest taking the slide to the left.
Christian's rating -
Marques' rating -
Age level: 4 and up

The tube slide to the left: The tube slide to the left is definetly a ride that the whole family can ride and still have an awful fun time riding it. At times, you will go speeding down the slide not knowing where the next turn will be. And if you turn backwards, it will be even more fun. The turns are steep but you won't fall off. The main theme of this ride is speed. Without it, this would be just another dull tube ride.
Christian's rating -
Marques' rating -
Age level: 6 and up

Wave Pool: The wave pool is a great place to chill after a few fast rides. It is mostly a wading pool for people to have fun swimming. But this wave pool has to be improved before it will be anything more than a wading pool. The first thing that needs to be improved is the charge for a tube. For a family of 4 people, it will cost you $8.00 to rent tubes. And the worst thing is that you might get them stolen, which is even worse. The second thing that they need to improve is the bottom of the pool. It is rough on the bottom so that if you fall on your knees in shallow water, you skin your knee real bad, and possibly draw blood. And trust me, that's not too fun.
Christian's rating -
Marques's rating -
Age level: All ages can go into the pool

Phone Number - 334-6111
Address - not given Approx. address - Interstate 25 & Montgomery/Motano exit

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