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Museum of Natural History

If you travel to Albuquerque, you have to visit at least once, the Museum of Natural History. This place is awesome. Not only do you get to learn about dinosaurs, but you can learn about everything else from that time and many other interesting things as well. If you visit the museum, you will probably be on a time limit, so I'll tell you the must see's.

Dinomax Theatre

The Dinomax Theatre is not one of those weak movie theatres that you can't see the screen because the person in front of you is 6'8, or you have to strain your eyes to see the screen. Nope, this place is what other theatres try to imitate. Let's start off with the seating. You sit in a fairly large room with a capacity of 286 and seats that go in a downward slope that is steep enough to see over the person in front of you no matter what their size is. Now the screen. This screeen is HUGE. It feels like you are right in the jungle chasing after that lion, or you feel like you are the pilot of the camera crew. Right now, the film that is showing is called "Everest" and is about the 1996 tragedy where 6 mountain climbers lost their lives. It is a experience that shouldn't be missed. The cost is $6.00 for adults, $2.00 for kids. The movies show every hour, on the hour, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.

The Volcanoes of New Mexico

This is one of the best exibits at the museum because I have lots of fun whenever I go there. Part of the floor is made to look like you are walking on lava, which is very fun. You can also learn about the many differet types of volcanoes in New Mexico. It is a great learning experience for the whole family.

FossilWorks Exibit:

If you have ever been curious about how paleontologist's dig up fossils, this is the exibit for you. Here, you can watch trained volunteers demonstrate for you how the process is done. You can also watch a video about an actuall fossil dig, produced by Q-13, a local TV station. If you or your family is interested in fossils, this should be a stop on your list.

Other Tidbits

The museum is going through some massive remodeling and probably will not be open until late March, but there will be a new entrance and some new exibits. They are moving the huge dinosaurs that used to be at the entrance to the south side of the building. They are a perfect photo opportunity for your family. There is also a earthquake machine where you jump on a mat and see what your "mini" earthquake compares to on the richter scale.

Phone number - 505-841-2800
Address - 1801 Mountain Rd NW
Hours - 9 a.m to 5 p.m.

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