Character Skills
Character Skills
Here's all the skill's for each character(that i know of anyway)
if ya know of one i dont got listed plz email me
- SUMMON FAMILIAR-Anyone who has seen a Necromancer knows of this familiar spirit. This small winged creature of magic lives only to do his master's will, acting as his eyes and ears when they are apart.
- RAISE DEAD-The Dead are returned to life by this spell, but they are not as they were! Their grisly, soulless skeletons only to fight for the Necromancer.
- BINDING-By casting this spell the Necromancer can bend an enemy creature to his own will. A creature so enchanted must do the spellcaster's bidding, even attacking his fellow creatures.
- VAMPIRIC TOUCH-Beware the outstretched hand of the Necromancer, for it is said with only the prick of his taloned hand he can take of your life and add to his own power! So much the worse if he levels a staff or sword in your direction.
- BLOOD GOLEM-Summons a powerful ally that will fight to the death for you.
- VITAL SHOT(bow)-When the Amazon wields a bow she can sometimes pause and take careful aim at her enemy. Her practiced yee and knowledge of anatomy then send this arrow singing into an eye-socket, throat or beating heart.
- JAB(spear)-Faster, but slightly less powerful attack.
- TRUE AIM(bow)-More accurate, but slower shot
- ENTAGLER(spear)-Using the spear, the Amazon can trap an opponent so that he cannot move from the spot as she continues to belabor him with her fearsome spear-play.
- SAFE SHOT(bow)-Fire into melee without hitting friends.
- FEND(spear)-Less accurate hit, but knocks target back.
- DODGE-Using this skill, the Amazon steps out of harm's way faster than the eye can follow. A blow falls harmlessly where she once stoo, and she continues her attack from a new position.
- HURL(spear)-Sometimes the Amazon can throw her javelin at a foe with such force that the weapon is shattered asunder. Although the missile is reduced to useless splinters, this kind of blow does excruciating damage to an opponent.
- STUN-Using this skill, the Barbarian strikes his opponent causing less actual injury than usual, but leaving the foe dazed and defenseless: Easy prey for further savagery.
- RETREAT ATTACK- The Barbarian can skillfully attack, and then, before his opponent can return the attack, step out of the way.
- WARCRY-The blood-curdling roar of the battle-warped barbarian is known to strike fear into the stoutest hearts. Those who hear this fearsome cry think only of fleeing, and must work hard to overcome their instincts.
- CHARGE-What more terrible sight is there than a barbarian in full battle-harness charging down upon you? The impact of this devastating tactic smashes any foes defenses and inflicts awful wounds.
- HOLY AURA-It is said the Paladin's devotion may shine forth from him as a palpable and repellent force against the unholy animated dead. When the undead are bathed in these rays, they are thrown into disarray, and amy be easily dispatched by the Knight's blade.
- SHIELD BASH-True, the Paladin is a man of faith, but his skills in battle are also formidable. This skill allows him to use his shield as a weapon, pushign back attackers, and leaving them vulnerable to his swift blade.
- TRUE BLADE-Using this ability, the Paladin can temporarily infuse a weapon with Holy power. Then using a weapon so enchanted, he may strike through even the heaviest armor and caprice of the foes of his faith, to find their quivering vitals.
- ARM OF GOD-By becoming himself a conduit for the powers of heaven, the Paladin moves with impossible quickness and inflicts grievous wounds upon his enemies, but there is a price to be paid, as this power damages the user as well.
- ZEALOTRY-Boosts attack strength and hit points, but lowers speed.
- ENCHANT-When physical weapons are needed to assail a particularly troublesome foe, the Sorceress may temporarily imbue a weapon with magical properties. When the sword she or one of her comrades is holding suddenly bursts into magical flame, woe to her enemies!
- FROST-Using this spell, the Sorceress creates a freezing cloud, which chills the very blood of any creature caught within it. Not only does the gelid vapor cause injury, it also slows any creature it touches, leaving them nearly defenseless.
- GLACIAL SPIKE-This freezing missile puts the enemy on ice.
- DANCING SWORD-Just when it seems the Sorceress is cornered and outmatched, from thin air a gleaming blade materializes and begins a leaping, slashing dance of death, smiting any that threaten its mistress.
- DARKNESS-The Sorceress can gather about her a Darkness lethal to all who live and breathe. Though ineffective against the living dead, the Darkness cannot be long withstood by other creatures.
Here's a pic of what the skill tree will look like