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Mental Piracy

Welcome to my own personal Mental Piracy. Entries are in reverse chronological order. You're a sad, sad little person for reading this. :D j/k

Monday, September 29, 2003

Today was a complete waste of my time. Much like yesterday. If you missed it, yesterday we sat in the car for 5 hours to drive past a lake. Joyous occasion. And we also learned that for $200 a night you can see what it feels like to live in a trailer park.

Moving on to today... in 1st we had a free day which meant sitting around and talking. In 2nd we had technical difficulties and did even less that we usually do. In 3rd we actually did a LITTLE bit of French. In 4th I was shunned by the theatre dept, Mrs. Reed, I told you how effing elitist they are here, and didn't get to go help with the set for Brighton Beach because Mrs. Reed doesn't know who I am. What the frell ever. So I watched the Three Stooges version of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Lame, pretentious, and annoying. And tonight I'm going to not feel bad for going to the Homecoming thing. BWAHAHA I saw a couple other wagons and ours is just... huge. It won't matter if we win, b/c the prize is $50 and Frau spent like $80 on the cart alone, lol. Ooops. Yah kno them Germans they gotta have everything bigger and better.

La fin!

.: posted by Fifer 3:23 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Speaking of Will... Click! Somehow I find that disturbing... :P

.: posted by Fifer 10:41 AM

Saturday, September 27, 2003

I <3 MCS!!!! Isn't it the best when you discover a new band!??!

So last Thursday was my great gma's 91st bday so today we had a "party" for her. Cake. Old ladies. FUN! Yah, there was a DJ and they all got out of their walkers and break danced and it was just A BLAST! Then a while later the grents came over for dinner. Yep.

Ok I've been spoiled... staying in these last two nights has *not* been fun. I don't even feel like it's the weekend, I keep thinking I have to go to school tomorrow. Cuz like Lisa is at the brain farm and Abby is outta town and uh... that's it heh. But next weekend!!! Next weekend we will have fun! We will run thru the sprinklers! What time was it, 10 or 11? O well. I dunno when I wanna see Brighton Beach... maybe Wednesday or Thursday or Sunday so I can have the weekend nites free :P. Lest anyone want to gooooooo. GAH! I'm boredness!

}I never knew the way to Pas-a-de-na{

I've been singing this song all day! I love bands with great voices. He has a pretty great voice. He does this thing where he can change pitch really fast and it's cool. And the moog just makes it interesting :D.


.: posted by Fifer 8:11 PM

Friday, September 26, 2003

From AICN:

"Speaking of grown-up teen stars, longtime Nickelodeon sketch-show fixture Kenan Thompson (“Kenan & Kel”) joins the cast as a featured player..."

SNL. I am serious.

.: posted by Fifer 10:22 PM

9-23: Bad news, folks. We are going to have to pull out of the show with Senses Fail in November. Willie had a meeting with his doctor and hes not going to be able to walk until about December, so no shows as of now. But we are looking to start playing a bunch again in mid-December. In other news, we started recording and it sounds phenominal! We have one song completed and we are giving it to The Door for their compilation. Well, thats all the news for now. Keep on rocking. -CloverStreet

Aww! That poor guy goes thru so much!

.: posted by Fifer 6:21 PM

you're so dumb
you are the "you're so dumb" happy bunny.
you are brutal in your words and enjoy putting
others down.
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

}Beeetty won't stop listening to modern rock{

1st: Sub. Really crappy hard quizzes.

2nd: Sub!!! Hello! Mrs. Lands didn't tell me we were having a sub!!! Ronnie came over and said hi and asked what I was doing then left then came back and said his band was recording in October or something so he'd "have some more stuff" for me. Bwahaha. Andy said he was supposed to fight Cesar again but Cesar's going to some party.

3rd: Cesar's eye is even blacker, heh. He's into this whole playfighting thing still. Loser. Oooh! Mayo had an UBERfit. Ashley was like "don't worry guys she did this last year too." She like slams the door and leaves the classroom... then she came back w/ Ms. Circelli and everyone who had her last year freaked out that she was gunna yell at us or something but they just got the French Club's (MEASLY!) wagon for Homecoming and left.

Lunch: AZN PRIDE, YO! Saw Josh and he hugged me as I tried to run away from his camera. He's sillieh.

3rd: French In Action is really funny.

4th: We read poems. That we wrote. Bad teenage poetry. Then we played this really scary game that involved Danny throwing everyone over his shoulder and carrying them to desks. Including me. Twice. a)how the frell could he lift me??? b)I feel VIOLATED! Heh at least it was Danny and not someone that would be... worse violation. But I think Shannon is scarred for life. Oh, then we had a pep rally and I saw Chels so I sat w/ her and Josh and the other Chelsea and this girl named Carrie who rides my bus and then I saw Ashley who rode my bus and then all the crasy outcasty ppl and Chels and Josh were being all over each other and then there were lots of group hugs and talk about filming... things... ahaha... and then it was like all of a sudden the pep rally was over!!! I miss Chels I really wish her mom wasn't all wonky so I could see her more often! And we could hang out!!! Cuz seriously her other friends are way worse than I am :P.

After: German Club Homecoming wagon decorating. Our wagon is the biggest and the bestest. Anka has some really weird anger problem with this girl named Victoria it is really scary. Angry Germans do not lead to good things!!! :P Like everything she said, Anka would get all AHHH! Oh, and Jill IS Prez WOOP WOOP! And I'm Webmeisterien. WOOP WOOP. Anywho. Our wagon has a smile w/ braces and a baloon and it's really scary and I think we should leave it on there. Heh. I dunno if I'm going to have to go walk w/ it on Monday. I hope not.

And NOOOOOOOOW I'm home! YAY! FOR MEH! I called Abby to see if she got her CD that Ashley stole from meh and to see if she wanted to hang out but she's IN TULSA AT A HORSE SHOW!!! :( I'm gunna have to stay in! It's back to }You go out on Friday night, I'll say in yeah that's allright!{ :P SALUT!

.: posted by Fifer 4:51 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2003



2nd: Weird starey thing with.... weird.... Kinda punched in the chest weird feeling thing... Oh, and Andy, the guy Cesar fought and the guy that was talking about it, he didn't look too beat up but he talked about it a whole bunch.

3rd: Cesar... geeeeeez... black eye, cuts, crasiness. I got the recap. His g/f came in w/ him and I'm like "Andy's in my 2nd" and she's all "you sawwww him is he all messed up" and he's not really and supposedly Cesar won, and I dunno. He looked funny. And he kept play hitting me and I'm like "you're gunna have to get over this fighting thing before I make the other eye black." It was all kinda sad. Tsk tsk tsk.

After: walking walking walking... Christian, arms open, hug. "What are you doing tonight?" "I dunno." "You're going to the Improv show." "Oh am I? Thanks for letting me know." "And you're bringing three dollars. And it's at 7. In the PAC." "Wow I sure am glad you told me that." "Hi, I'm Mrs. Lands. *shakes my hand* You're going." "Oh, now I just have to."

Sigh... Why do boys do evil things... Evil, evil things... Now I'm going to end up going... by myself... and trying not to crash when I park.... altho today I didn't hit Ruchi's sister's car in her driveway... Oh, Ruchi, she drove me NUTS today b/c she kept being all "you're mad at me what did I do blahblah" jest b/c I'm in a bad mood and I'm like STOP IT BECAUSE YOU ARE MAKING ME MAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH! People!


.: posted by Fifer 3:14 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

YAAAAAAAAAY Blogger is no longer being hobosexual...

1st: We did questions from Heart of Darkness all period! Yay!

2nd: Ronnie did his assisted suicide speech. And of course, he's for it. So is Mrs. Lands I think. I probably am too, I mean if someone is suffering from a medical condition... yah kno... This is where I heard Andy talking about Cesar going to fight after school... I'm like which Cesar, not MY Cesar... sure enough...

3rd: "I'm not hearing good things about you." Cesar: "What are you hearing?" "What you're going to do after school." "What am I doing after school?" "The fight." "Oh that? That's nothing. You didn't know me before I came here I was... bad." So here's the deal. Cesar has this g/f that his friends don't like. Then I guess one of them started talking smack about him. So they are/did/were going to fight after school at some guy's house and there's gunna be a whole lotta ppl there. And I'm like, "That's stupid. WHY?" "He's talking shit about me." "Why don't you be the better person and rise above it? It's some machismo thing, right? You don't wanna be seen as weak." Then he kinda thought for a second... but eh, he's not gunna change his mind.

Lunch: Abby scared the crapola out of me again. And this time I have to make her CD. Lol.

3rd: So after our work and everything this guy David (Leesah--he was in our French class, member?) comes to sit by me and Cesar and he's getting directions to the house they're gunna fight at and all this and then Cesar says "I'm going to go punk him out between classes." Then David says he's gunna go with him and Cesar says it's in C hall and I'm like augh, I go down that hall...

Btwn: I'm turning the corner to go outside and I see this pack led by Cesar stopping at a door...

4th: Had to draw my 80s style MSND charries. The Hermia and Lysander and Demitrius are all regular 80s wear, Helena is a little more wacky 80s wear, and all the faeries are punk :D. Tee hee... Oberon & Titania are Sid & Nancy!

After: On the way to German club, I see Cesar in passing and he's like in the zone I can tell and I give him a nice sarcastic "have fun." Then he sees some guy behind me and they stop and this guy was going to go watch too I guess. German Club... German Club is just a little too much anarchy. We did votes for officer and whoever made the ballots left off the other guy running for webmaster lol, so they had to write him in so that prolly means I won... heh... o well he can be my assistant ^_^. It's good to have two brainstormings. Altho I think he wants to go with a gothic bauhaus thing or something. Oooh and this time we had QUIZNO'S mmmm. Oh, and Frau bought this big $80 garden cart for our wagon b/c German Club is rich and we're gunna decorate it for homecoming (*going to go get cart, Jill tries to open the wrong car* "OOOH it's in the one with the WAGON IN IT!") and Kyle and someone else are going to wear lederhosen and it's gunna be scary. Also, Ashley and I drew Trogdor and the Cheat on the board. Well she did then I did stuff to them. Heh. Thennnnn I drove crasy Ru-Cheeta home. :D

Home: Mom and I went to the Dollar Tree to get Bingo prizes for the Shelter and I got a few things for the wagon. Yelled at Blogger. Had dinner. Pondered Cesar's state. I'm pretty sure he can hold his own but... yah kno... Sigh...


.: posted by Fifer 6:47 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

N/m... I saw... who did I see? Oh, I don't think I saw anyone, but I had one of those dreams where glowies are who you want them to be... It was really long and detailed and I should have written it down but I never have time in the morning and I wish I could have just gone on sleeping... I have another paper to do and some reading so I really should go... and effing prose I don't want to do it, I really don't, but I just can't quit b/c Mrs. Lands frelling needs me... but all this bullshit she's making us do is just making it more unbearable... I'm definitely going to cut it down to one practice a week... maybe if I start slacking off even more she'll make me quit, lol... that would be nice... or if I could make crap up so I don't have to go to meets... Like, I magically got a life! That would be nice. Anyway I'm in a terrible mood and no one should say anything but nice happy sunshine to me or I might go off like Hiroshima.

.: posted by Fifer 5:27 PM