In Woodrow Wilson, there are 212 students in the seventh grade which includes a very wide range of ethnic backgrounds. With 141 students reporting- 1% are Akan, 1% are Bengali, 1% are Burmese, 2% are Cantonese, 1% are Czech, 30 % are English, 26 % are Gujarati, 6% are Hindu, 1% are Ewe, 1 % are French, 1 % are Greek, 1 % are IBO, 1 % are Italian, 4 % are Korean, 1 % are Filipino, 1% are Polish, 11 % are Russian, 3 % are Spanish, 1 % are Thai, 1 % are Turkish, and 1 % are of the Urdu background.
The school has a wide variety of subjects offered to seventh grade students, Classes that seventh grade students are required to take are - Eastern Hemisphere, Life Science, Mathematics, English, and Physical Education. Classes that we choose to take include - Home Economics, Industrial Technology, Music, Chorus, Band, Art, Computers, and Health. There are also classes for students that have come from another country and are learning the English language. These classes are called EEL ( English as a Second Language ). There are two other classes that you can take. These classes are offered only for seventh and eighth grade students who are in Level 1 or Honors English. These students may choose to take a foreign language. The languages that are available at Woodrow Wilson are Spanish and French.
In their spare time, seventh grade students may join extra-curricular activities. Some such activities include - Intramurals, Odyssey of the Mind, Newspaper Club, Spanish Club, Science Club, Geometry Club, and even the Homework Club. Some out of school activities are - joining a sports team or league, scouts, dance, piano, art and many more. For fun, seventh graders might go to the mall to catch a movie. You might roller blade to the park or just sit back and watch your favorite television show.
As you can see there are many exciting happenings at Woodrow Wilson School as a seventh grade student, but without the help and support of the faculty, parents and students, all of this could not be possible.