DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ranma 1/2, or Dragon Ball. Son Kai and Chemise Briefs are the RP names of two people I know. I've been promising them this fic for ages! This fic is also the answer to a Valentine's fic challenge on the RRYaoi ML.
Dragon Ball R
By Youko Rayah
Co written by Syx Maxwell
A gift fic for Son Kai
Part 2
Ranma walked down the streets of Nerima in silence. He had spent a month of his summer brake at Capsule Corp as Bulma-san's guest. Her oldest daughter and son had trained with him, and he had been astonished at how powerful they were. He knew that they had been holding back all but the barest hint of their skill, and it had been a sobering experience.
Kai had run a few blood tests, stating that she wanted to make sure that his body wouldn't reject the blood transfusion. He had also trained with Goten and Kai, learning the basics of the Kami-sennen style of Martial Arts. He had even learned a few new Ki techniques. He couldn't wait to try out the Hammer Ball in a real fight. It was Kai's favorite move.
As he walked into the Tendo grounds, he heard the familiar sound of Akane braking bricks. It made him shudder with remembered pain.
"Oh my, Ranma, you're home!"
Ranma looked up to see Kasumi at the door. He smiled and said, "Hi Kasumi. Sorry I'm so late getting back."
He had called soon after awakening, and had told the oldest Tendo daughter that he would be staying on his training trip a bit longer. He hadn't wanted the gentle girl to worry. Then when he had been preparing to leave for home, he ha called again to tell her when he should arrive. But he had been side tracked while talking to Goku, and was now two hours late.
He still couldn't believe that he had met Son Goku! The man who had defeated Piccolo the Demon King in the World Martial Arts Tournament! He had also met Piccolo, and several other famous warriors, including Mr. Satin, who hadn't really impressed him much. Something about the man's arrogance rubbed the teen the wrong way.
Kasumi led him inside and served him lunch, and he ate with great enjoyment. Her cooking was as good as ChiChi's. That reminded him…
"Hay Kasumi? While I was away, I met this woman-"
"You jerk!"
Ranma hadn't noticed Akane when she had entered the room. Mallet-Sama, meet head. The force of her swing smacked him across the room, and out the door. Straight into the Koi pond. Upon surfacing, she felt the disgusting sensation of someone latching onto her chest. As she pealed the decrepit freak off of her cleavage, she heard a laugh that made her skin crawl.
"Oh-hohohohohoho! Ranma-Sama! You've finely returned!"
"Ayah! Crazy girl stay away from husband!"
"Ran-chan isn't your husband, you bimbo!"
"Ranma You JERK! How could you?"
"Ranma Soutome, prepare to DIE!!!"
"Ranma! Unhand my Shampoo!"
"Stupid Mouse! Shampoo no want you!"
"Pigtailed girl! I shall date thee!"
A large twitch had been forming in Ranma's cheek. He had enjoyed his time at Capsule Carp, and hadn't wanted to leave. ChiChi was just like he had always imagined a mother to be, and Bulma helped him to under stand all the things in school had never made sence. Chemi-chan and Kai-chan had not once tried to attract his interest, and Chemise's little sister, Braly was the sweetest girl he had ever met.
Now, no more than five minutes after being back, all the good done by relaxing among those powerful warriors had been undone. Some where deep inside the pigtailed youth, something snapped.
"DAMN IT!!! All of ya just BACK OFF!!!"
Everyone stared in shock as Ranma exploded in rage. A deep blue aura appeared around him as he spoke, it gradually bled into a deep red. Then came the wind. It picked up, almost like he was preparing to launch a Hiryu Shoten Ha. The ground shook as the teen's power increased with his anger, and the water in the Koi pond vaporized.
"I'm back for less than five minutes, and I get attached, groped, and yelled at. I am so SICK of all of your CRAP! All of you just LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!!"
With that Ranma stalked inside of the house to take a bath. On his way, he met Kasumi.
"Kasumi, I'm sorry," He said as he pulled out a soggy book. "I got you this recipe book from this really nice lady named Chi Chi. I remembered that you had wanted to try some new recipes, but the books ruined."
"That's alright Ranma-chan. It's the thought that counts."
Ranma sighed unhappily and went to the bathroom.
"Did you feel that, Papa?"
Vagita looked at his youngest daughter and nodded. All those present had felt the spike in Ki coming from Ranma Soutome. It had undertones of Saiyajin power to it.
"I was afraid of this," Son Kai said softly. "The Saiyajin DNA bonded with his. Essentially he's becoming a Demi- Saiyajin like Chemise, Trunks, Braly, Oniisan-Gohan, Anike-Ten, and myself."
Goku nodded and said, "Kai, you and me are going to go find him. If he has power like ours, he needs to learn to use it."
"I'm coming also Kakkorot. I've named that boy one of my House. That makes him a Saiyajin Prince, and I won't have him being trained by a low born fool like you."
Chemise and Kai shared a smile. Their fathers were always like that. And while Vegita talked down to the other full blood, they were the best of friends. Hai left instructions with Chemise to ready the Regeneration Tank, just in case.
The three rose into the sky, Goku on the Kioten, and Kai and Vagita flanking him. They flew at top speed, intent on reaching the youth quickly, before he could loose control of the surging power with in him.
ONWARD! to part 3