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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ranma 1/2, or Dragon Ball. Son Kai and Chemise Briefs are the RP names of two people I know. I've been promising them this fic for ages! This fic is also the answer to a Valentine's fic challenge on the RRYaoi ML.

Dragon Ball R

By Youko Rayah

Co written by Syx Maxwell

A gift fic for Son Kai



Note: Syx and I took turns writing the dialog. I started.

Goku shivered as they flew. "His power level is high. At least 2,000."

Vegita grunted, "He is of my line, of course he is strong. We have to stop him before he gets out of hand. It would be a waste of power to kill some useless weaklings."

"Vegita-san, I don't think he's a threat to any one yet," even as she said this, Kai's gaze tracked the horizon, scanning for Ranma's elusive touch.

One dark eyebrow climbed. He bit back a stinging retort to the youngest Son child. After all she was brilliant.

A second pulse of power rippled across their senses, and Kai gave a start. "What the Hell was that!?

"It didn't came from Ranma, the signature is wrong," Goku said.

Vegita gave a feral grin, "My son may have found a worthy opponent." A dark laugh escaped the Sayin prince.

Kai sighed. "Vegita-san, you do realize that he's never had this much power before and he could well blow up the planet if his level spikes to high? You DO remember what happened with my Oniisan when he was six after Napa killed Piccolo-san?"

"K'so." Vegita scowled and poured on the speed.

The three sped off as fast as they could manage, braking the sound barrier in the process.


"Hey femeboy..." The miniature cut loose with a few heavy strikes.

This was not a good day to start something with Ranma Soutome. Turning to the badly named warrior, Ranma called on his Ki, launching a Moko Takabisha. It never connected, as Taro dodged swiftly. The miniature was determined to defeat Ranma and get his name changed.

"Leave me alone, Taro."

"What's wrong femeboy? Ya gonna cry if I don't?"

Ranma glared and said, "That's it. I've had enough. Let's see how well ya do against a Kami-sennen attack! HAMMER BALL!" The tightly condensed ball of Ki flew forward. Taro was hit in the chest with the force of a sonic boom and nocked through the wall, and landing outside in a heap. Ranma leaped after him, following the attack up with as many of the Ki bursts as he could generate.

Taro leapt lightly around the blasts, sweat streaming down his face and chest. Ranma smiled, and Taro began to REALY get worried.

He was dodging as fast as possible, but knew he couldn't keep it up forever. He'd never seen Ranma move like this before. Taro stopped taunting and began to fight in earnest. He had a feeling that he would lose some teeth at the very least if he didn't.

A feral grin touched Ranma's lips. This, he decided, was power. This, he would enjoy.

"Taro, I hope you're not such an ass in the next time I see you. Kameee hameeeā€¦"

Taro watched the glow gather in Ranma's hands and froze like a deer in headlights. He was a dead man if it hit him.

"RANMA! STOP!!!!" came the cry from above. Ranma recognized it as Kai's voice.

"Ranma... power down."

The low growl came just over the youth's head. Vegita wasn't concerned. He knew the two would brake it up. Ranma allowed the power he had gathered to bleed away as he registered the presence of 3 of the most powerful people in the world. The Saiyajin Prince pinned the other boy with a dark chilling look.

"Get out of here boy, and don't think to attack my son again."

Ranma blinked. "Your son? But my pop is Genma Soutome..." He was only vaguely aware of Taro slinking off muttering something about 'next time'.

"You carry my blood boy. You are one of my line now."

Kai giggled. "You almost got killed saving his daughter, Ranma. And she just happens to be the oldest Princess of the Saiyajin"

Goku scratched the back of his head and chuckled, "Oi oi, Ranma why don't we go tot he mountains and train for a bit ne? You need to cool off."

Kai nodded. "Poppa's right. You need to spar against someone who won't get killed if you loose control."

Vegita held his hand out to the boy. "Come." The warrior obviously expected to be obeyed.

Something occurred to Kai at this time. "You can ride Kioten since you don't know how to fly yet."

"Umm... Ride what?" Ranma asked as he cast one last look at the Tendo Dojo. The residents had hid at the first sign of battle but he could see them emerging now that the fireworks were over.

Goku grinned, "My magic cloud!"

Ranma looked very confused at the black haired girl's statement, and an equally confused look to Goku's.

Goku whistled to summon his old companion. Ranma looked at Goku, then to the sky. In moments the magic Cloud that Goku had ridden since he had been 12 appeared. Vegita just shook his head.

Kai smiled. "Vegita-san, we can teach him to fly later, just like Piccolo-san taught me!"

Ranma looked confused. "How'd he teach you?"

"I'll teach him," Vegita snorted, ignoring the question.

Kai grinned, reassuring the young man. "You'll see. Vegita's a good Sensei."


Ranma climbed off the golden cloud shakily. He had never moved so fast in his life!

Vegita nodded towards a canyon. "Come with me."

Without hesitating, the pigtailed youth followed the older man.

Vegita kept a careful eye on his adopted son. It was time to take the teen's measure. "Alright kid, show me what you got."

Ranma blinked. Vegita wanted to see how good he was... Vegita braced himself and grinned. "Come on kid." Ranma suddenly realized that even though he had trained a bit with Goku, Trunks, Kai, Goten, and Chemise, he had never seen this warrior fight. He also knew Vegita was stronger than he was, so he didn't need to hold back.

Ranma drew on his reserves and focussed. "Moko Takabisha!"

Vegita smiled and caught the ball of energy. It was a good strike for someone so young. Vegita grinned, "Nice kid."

Ranma grinned. "Ya ain't seen nothing yet! HAMMER BALL!" Ranma grinned at the startled look on the older man's face. After all, it was one of Kai's trademark moves.

Vegita took the blast without a wince.

Ranma went to air-born tactics. Using the canyon walls to his advantage. -Gotta do this right-, he thought. -I've never done this before, but who else can I try this move on and not kill?-

Vegita chuckled, delighted at the skill the boy showed. Given time and training he could rival Kakkarot's oldest whelp.

When he was in position, he fired off a combined Kame Hame Ha/Hiryu Shoten Ha. "Hiryu Shoten Ha revised! DRAGON STRIFE!" The move hit Vegita with a blast of vacuum, momentarily stealing his breath, Then as air filled his lungs, a shock wave of Ki hit him. A grunt escaped him.

Ranma quickly followed it up with another variation he'd been dying to try. An Amaguriken/Moko Takabisha combination in the form of a rapid fire Ki sphere barrage.

He powered up a little and began to counter attack. Ranma adapted some of the greatest attacks to his own style. The boy had extreme promise. Vegita let a delighted laugh escape him. Despite the fact that there was no malice in the laugh, it did annoy Ranma. For some illogical reason, he thought the older man was making fun of him.

"Kame Hame Hadoken!" Ranma fused the two techniques together flawlessly, slamming the older man across the canyon as the full blood tossed a few light ki balls at the boy. Ranma ducked low, rebounding off the floor, and then bounding up a wall. The blasts Vegita had thrown missed him by a bare hand span.

Vegita slammed in to the wall and gasped. A feral grin twisted his thin lips. His laughter echoed off the canyons. Vegita was pulling his punches but he was having... fun. And all without sacking, pillaging, or killing...

Ranma twitched at the slightly maniacal look on the older warrior's face. -What have I gotten my self into?-

Vegita launched himself at the boy, grabbing him by the shirt collar. They soared into the sky.

-Oooooooooh shit! What the hell is he...- Ranma's eyes widened as he recalled Kai's words on flying. "Shit."

"This is how I tech you how to fly..."

"What do I do?" Ranma was pleased that his voice didn't shake.

"Try to miss the ground," Vegita grinned as he let the boy go.


Vegita laughed and flew down keeping pace with the boy. -Come on kid, show me what you can do.-

There is that one moment of weightlessness that one will experience when one begins to fall from a great height. That moment when everything seems to stop. In this moment, one can touch the sky, and sour with the eagles. In that moment, Ranma truly learned what freedom was. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! Why didn't I ever try this before?! It's SO easy!!!"

Delighted with his newest cub, Vegita rolled onto his back and looked up at the boy.

Grinning, Ranma did a loop-d-loop and several barrel rolls. It was a while before he stopped playing, but eventually Ranma drifted down to where Vegita was and smiled. It was a smile that showed just how young he was, and all the worry melted away. "Thank you Vegita-san. This is the best Ki technique I have ever known."

Vegita nodded and chuckled, "Come on, let's go see what that lazy mate of mine is doing."

Ranma nodded and flew beside him, vaguely aware that Goku and Kai were behind them, following at a distance.



On to the End!