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Disclaimer time

I don't own the Biker Mice from Mars, Or any of the Gatchaman

characters. Wisconsin Sharp is MY character, but who'd want him?

Tredzy Van Wham (Zee for short) is MINE also, as is Ghost. Their war

bikes are mine and so is this story.

I've taken several liberties with this story. It's after the Black Hole Project and Joe is back on the team. They know he's a Cyborg and all that wonderful stuff BUT Berg Katz is ALIVE. The story with that is that Sosai X rescued hir and erased hir memory of what happened.



Kagaku Ninja Tai Rodent

By Hope of Watchtower J


Hidden Galactor Base:

Berg Katz was happy, and that made everyone nervous. This plan, s/he

thought, will finish those Science Ninjas off once and for all!

The reason for hir happiness stood next to hir. It was a Plutarkian,

and his name was Wisconsin Sharp, and he had agreed to help hir destroy the Gatchaman in exchange for the resources of the Earth.

"Soon, my dear Katze, this planet will fall and we shall both have what we want."



Dr. Nambu looked at the team of teens. The situation had never been

this grave before. The Galactor's new allies seemed to have a limitless supply of weapons and equipment. The KNT had been running it's self-ragged just trying to keep up. And it was taking its toll on all of them. Joe looked ready to fall asleep, Jun had dark circles around her eyes, Jinpei and Ryu were asleep next to her, and Ken was slumped in his seat.

"I'm sorry to drag you all in here, but we have another mission."

"You gotta be kidding!" Joe protested waking Jinpei and Ryu. "We just

got back!"

"I know that, Joe. But the Galactor and their allies have begun an

attack on a local oil refinery. They must be stopped."

The team gave a collective groan and left the office.


The oil refinery:

The battle wasn't going well. Jinpei was hurt and the rest of the team was pinned down where they couldn't reach him. That's when they herd it. A dull roar and it sounded like motorcycles.

"It's Tail Whippin' TIME!!!!"

The Condor looked up to see three bikers roaring towards the battle.

The rider of the black lead bike swerved to provide cover for the fallen youth. The rider on the purple low-rider leaned over to sweep Jinpei up off the ground, cradling the boy against his massive frame. Mean while the man on the red Super-cycle gunned his engines and literally flew over both to lay down a lethal reign of cover fire.

"This is such a RUSH!!!!" the rider of the red bike shouted.

"Die, ISO scum!"

The man turned to look at the Galactor and laughed in his face.

"Sweet-heart, you really don't wanna go there."

"Die," the Galactor shouted as he opened fire.

The biker did a quick back flip and pulled out some kind of miniature

flair witch then expanded. Then the biker popped it across the metal

studs on his biker pants twice, popping off the top and lighting it. He threw it at the goon and it melted his gun. Joe saw two more goons

coming up behind the biker and decided to join the party. Flipping over the wreckage he had been using for cover, Joe pulled a spread of feather shuriken and threw them with deadly accuracy. The two Galactor were dead before they hit the ground.

"Thanks for the help, citizen," the rider of the black bike said.

"We should be thanking you," Ken said. "We were as good as dead before you showed up."

Just then Jun ran up and cried, "Jinpei!"

She ran up to the tallest biker and took the youngest member of the KNT from him and cradled him to her. "Jinpei, can you hear me?"

"Unnnn," the boy moaned softly. " 'nechan?"

"Hai. Don't worry Jinpei. We'll get you home and patch you up."

"'Kay, Onechan? Can I have ice cream an' Skittles when we get home?"

All the members of the KNT laughed at this. It was a sure sign that the Swallow would be fine.

They returned to the base and the bikers went with them. Upon arrival, they were surrounded by ISO security guards.

"Sorry," Ken said. "But we can't take any risks with security."

"Hey we understand," the leader of the trio said. The team had learned his name was Throttle. His two companions were named Vinnie and Modo.

Dr. Nambu was very interested in the three bikers and asked them into

his office. Once they were all seated, Nambu asked them to remove their helmets. They hesitated for a moment and asked the ninjas not to "freak out" before removing their helmets, revealing that they were not, in-fact, human. What they were, were giant mice.

"What the Hell," asked Joe.

"You're not human," whispered Ken.

"Cool," Jinpei said.

"Where did you come from," Jun finally got out.

Ryu remained silent.

"We're the Biker Mice from Mars," Throttle said. "And we're from an

alternate reality. We came here to stop a Plutarkian war criminal named Wisconsin Sharp from destroying this world like he and his people did with Mars."

"Why did you help us," Ken asked.

"Because you needed the help," Modo replied.

The ninjas looked at each other and smiled. The tide of war had turned once again.




"Calm down Sharp," Berge Katze said. "How much harm can three bikers


"You FOOL! Those Martin Miscreants ruined EVERY thing in Chicago, and

they took Mars back! Now they are HERE and have joined forces with

those Ninjas!"

"They pose that much of a threat?"

"They are a greater threat than the Gatchaman!"

"Than we shall devise a plan to eliminate them."



"You guys have some really great gear," Ken said.

"Thanks," Modo said. "Charley-ma'am supped up our bikes six was to

Sunday, back in the old days."

"Charley?" Joe asked.

"She's the best wrench jockey in Chi-town," Vinnie said. "When we

originally crashed on Earth, Charley helped us out. If it weren't for

her, we wouldn't have beat Limburger."

"Wow," Jinpei said. "And she's a normal human?"

"Yep. I wish she were here," Vinnie said. "It's really weird not

having her here."

"Where is she?" Jun asked.

"Her mom got sick a week ago and she went to stay with her."



Joe raced down the deserted highway, with Vinnie riding beside him. The two had left ISO head quarters and were on their way to Joe's trailer home. The ninja had told the others that there was no way that he was going to go another day with out a change of cloths. The whole team agreed, Ryu, Ken, and Throttle would go first to the airfield, then to Ryu's marina to pick up their possessions. Modo would go with Jun and Jinpei to the Snack J to get their things, while Joe and Vinnie headed into the desert.

They arrived at his trailer and Joe interred. As Vinnie stepped in

behind him, Joe froze. The inside of the trailer looked like a

hurricane had torn through it. Joe pulled his Beret and moved up

against the wall. He motioned for Vinnie to stay behind him as he slid forward.



Throttle walked with Ken and Ryu up the runway. The small airfield

wasn't all that spectacular, but the Martin knew it was the ninja's

home. The inside was far more interesting then the outside. The

entrance led to Ken's office, and through there, Ken's living room.

>From there, a hallway that led to the kitchen, guestroom, bath, laundry room, and storage room. At the end of the hall, was a stairway that led to the master bedroom.

"I'll be right back," Ken told his two companions as he moved down the

hall. Ken walked down the hall and climbed the stairs to his bedroom.

There he looked around. The usual clutter littered his room, magazines, books, cloths, and shoes strewn here and there. Sighing, Ken pulled out a duffel bag and packed a few changes of cloths. "I wonder how long we'll be at the base for?" he wondered out loud as he added three more days worth to the bag.



"You have a really nice place, ma'am."

"Why thank you Modo! Jinpei and I run the Snack J."

"Yeah!" Jinpei chirped. "Oneechan? I'm gonna go an' pack my stuff."

"Okay, Jinpei."

Modo watched as the boy scampered off to his room. Jun turned to Modo

and said, "I need to get my things also. Would you like anything to

drink while you wait on us?"

"Root-beer if you have any."

"Here," Jun said as she pulled out a brown bottle. "I'll be right


The two ninja went to their rooms and packed several changes of cloths

and other personal possessions. When they returned a few minutes later, Modo had finished his root beer and was waiting for them.

"We're all ready to go," Jun said.

They left on Modo and Jun's bikes, and raced back to the ISO HQ.



Joe slid into his bedroom and looked around. The mattress from his bed had been ripped off and shredded. His Hot Rod magazines and Racing magazines were strung out everywhere. He heard something and ducked, spinning as he did so. A shot was fired over his head and he found himself facing a very familiar figure. A blond woman in a fur lined uniform. A Devil Star assassin.


Joe rolled to one side and fired. The assassin's chest exploded and Joe gained his feet. Moving as quickly as safety would allow, Joe got back to Vinnie.

"We're leaving. Now."

"What happened?"

"Galactor assassin."

The two ran to their vehicles and raced off. Seconds later, a

helicopter cleared the horizon and bared down on them. From it's left

launcher, it fired a savo of missals.

"Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!!!!!" Joe snarled as he and the Martian shot

away from his trailer merely a few seconds before it exploded. The pair of hero's swerved and dodged as the Galactor helicopter came at them from beyond the flames. Machinegun fire split the air as the two swerved to avoid the assault.


Then, just as it seemed that their collective goose was cooked, a second motorcycle roared into view. It was a black version of Vinnie's bike, with flames painted on the sides.

"Is this a private party? Or can anybody join in?" the voice was female, and very aggressive.

"It can't be," Vinnie whispered. "Zee?!"

"Hay baby bro! Mind if I join in the fun?"

"Be my guest," the Martian mouse laughed as the biker fem revved her

bike's engine.

She laughed in glee as she gunned her turbos and flew at the Galactor

helicopter. Twisting her bike around mid-air, she fired off a grapple

line and fired off the way she had come. Hanging a sharp left, she

yanked the helicopter straight into the ground.

"And your entire blood line!" she shouted to the flaming derbies.

"Vinnie," Joe said in a bemused voice. "Who is that?"

"That, bro, is Tredzy van Wham. My twin sister."

"Your SISTER!?!?!"

"Yep. Hay Zee! Come over here an' meet a friend of mine!"

Joe sized the white Martin mouse up. She was about 5'6" and he guessed her weight to be about 130 pounds tops. She had intense green eyes and a black streak in her white hair. Dressed in mostly green and black, she was very stunning to behold.

"So why didn't you mention her earlier, Vinnie?"

"I never worked with the Freedom Fighters," Zee answered first. "I was what you would call Black Ops during the war. My team and I did

sabotages and recon work… until the government sold us out. Me an'

Ghost are the only ones left."

"She got word to me just before we took off from Mars," Vinnie

continued. "But I gotta admit, sis. I wasn't expecting you to be here. How'd you find me?"

"Well me an' Ghost hit Chicago and we ran into Charley. All three of us came through that rebuilt transporter of Karbunkle's, just like you


"Charley's HERE?"

"Yep. She's with Ghost heading towards Modo."

"Is that a good idea," Joe asked. "Will he know who she is?"

"Well I should hope he will. She's his sister for crying out loud!" Zee exclaimed.

"You see, Joe, me, Modo, Throttle, and Ghost all grew up together. Zee

wasn't there because when dad died, mom seperated us."

"Yeah. YOU got to co to a cool NORMAL school with people you liked, and I had to go to <SHUDDER> boarding school."

They all laughed and went to their prospective vehicles as Vinnie called to Zee, "Hay follow us back to ISO HQ. We'll fill you in on what's been going on."

"You got it runt boy."


They rode off with laughter trailing behind them.



Ghost and Zee smiled at Vinnie's antics. Upon seeing Charley, he had

picked her up, swung her around and kissed her heartily on the lips.

The brunet blushed and hid her face in embarrassment. After that

introductions were made.

"I saw the specs for the bikes as they had been," Dr Nambu said. "From the modifications that you've made, I'd say that you would make one amazing inventor and tech supervisor for the KNT. Would you consider helping us?"

"I'd love to. From what I've seen of their equipment, I can make a few modifications that would blow the Galactor away."

Ken and the others smiled. This just got better and better by the

moment. At this rate, The Galactor wouldn't stand a chance.

End, for now.

If anyone would like to add more please contact me, 'cause I have no

idea where I'm gonna go with this now?


Lady Hope