Confuzeling people since October 8th, 2001
A Bastard's Son
Rayah says:
I think I may do that BASTARD/Gambit fic, maybe
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Scene: After an intencive amount of work, Remy manages to open a
magic gate "home" to the Bastard world. He stands on a bolder
overlooking Meterikana (sp) looking at the city.
"It looks like I've done it. I'm home" The tall man murmered.
A later scene: Lars is ragging on about DS being a Demon.
Remy: And what does that make me? The Anti-Christ?
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Princess Sheela: What is your relationship with Dark Schnider?
Remy: He is mon Pere (sp)
Colective Huh?
DS: Sheela, Youko, Arshe, Kall. Meet my son, Remy
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Lars: *THUD*
Geo: There's TWO of you?!
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Remy: *Takes off sunglasses* Non. Afterall, mon Pere ain' half as good as me.
Clergy: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! He's a Demon!!!!!!!!!!
They run around in cercals as Remy sigh and shakes his head.
Syx says:
giggle snerk
Rayah says:
DS: Remy, What happened to your eyes?
R: ah, well, you see...
DS: Tell.
Syx says:
Sinny's ass in grass
Rayah says:
R: *sigh* There was this Scientest in the relm I got blasted into, and...
Well the spell that sent me there turned me into a child. And he sorta
changed me.
DS: *growl* We will talk about it later in privet. Lars and his lot don't need to know any more.
R: Yes papa.
Syx says:
mweheheeee oooh vic-chan... DS-sama has a surprise for you....
Rayah says:
Scene change: 2-3 months later, after Remy tells DS EVERY THING:
R: I have to go back
DS: Why?
R: Stormy need my help
DS: And you know this how?
R: I gave her an anulet before I left, and she call for help.
DS: I'm going with you since Magic works JUST fine in that relm
R: OK, just a few ground rules first though: All women in spandex are
OFF LIMITS! and don' touch the one with the white streak in her hair,
she's a gekai.
Syx says:
Gaki dear
Rayah says:
what ever
Syx says:
Rayah says:
DS: not even if they're gorgeous red heads?
R: ESPESIALLY if they're red heads!
Syx says:
ouch... celestial avatars and ain't afraid to use em...
Rayah says:
R: Jean would bounce out off a MOUNTAN! And she's de AVATAR for
the Celestial imbodiment of LIFE! The woman is a telepath, and a
Telekenitic! And married. she would kill you.
DS: rats.
DS: What about blonds?
R: Emma would skin you and her Irish boyfriend would help.
Syx says:
Syx says:
(voice over):eeeevil de be eeeeevil i tell you!
(points if you can name the ref.)
Rayah says:
R: He is called Banshee for a reason
Syx says:
giggle snerk
Syx says:
i can see emma peeking into his mind and telling sean:
he's an untter and complete perverted lust
filled well hung bastard
Syx says:
Sean: well hung?
Syx says:
Emma: *blush* my bad
Rayah says:
And him meating Rogue!
Syx says:
DS: this the bitch?
Remy: 's her
DS: can I kill her?
Remy: no
DS: you get more like your mother every damn day
Rayah says:
Scott: Who are you? (After DS and Remy save them from Bastion who
will have made a return for theis fic)
DS: I am Dark Schnider, the most powerful Wizard in the World! (incert maniacal lafter here)
R: *Whap!* Will you quit?
R: Cyclops, this is Mon Pere.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Rogue: No he aint! I've MET Yo daddy!
Syx says:
DS: *whispering* pleeeeaaase can i kil her? pretty please?
Rayah says:
R: non, you met my adoptid pere.
DS: Remy? Who is this annoying creature who is making my flesh crawl?
R: Papa, meet Rogue.
DS: this *twitch* is Rogue? ...Can I kill her?
R: Non.
DS: Why not?
Syx says:
Rayah says:
R: Cause We need to concerve out power till AFTER we take down
Bastion. You can kill her after we done.
Syx says:
YES!!! *happy-syx-snoopy-dance*
Rayah says:
Scott: X-Men don't kill.
DS: Of course not. Exmen are too bissy lamating about being caster*MERPH*
(Remy slaps a hand over his mouth)
Syx says:
Rayah says:
sorry couldn't resist
(later) Ds gets the grand tour of Gen-X HQ and meets M (the real M not the twins)
Syx says:
dun dun dunduuuuun
Rayah says:
DS: now let me get this straight... You're "perfict" and have no time for "imperfict" people.
M: this is correct.
Syx says:
ooo she's gonna get it now...
Rayah says:
DS: You know, if I had a kid like you, I'd shoot myself.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
or you could write his responce
Syx says:
DS: I'm 400 years old puppy... You wouldn't know perfection if it bit you on the ass
Rayah says:
Waaaaaaa! I'm using that.
Then the meeting with Emma
DS: You didn't Tell me she dressed like THAT!
R: If I had, would you have promissed to behave? no, I don't think so.
DS: True
Syx says:
Yohko: Remy, if he touches any of those women...
Arshe: We'll cut it off. be sure to tell him that
Rayah says:
Ha ha
Syx says:
Remy: *sweatdrop* yes ma'am
Rayah says:
R: And this is Sean Cassidy.
DS: The boyfriend who can shatter steal?
R: Yes.
DS: A pleasure.
Syx says:
hehehe see he can play nioce
Rayah says:
DS meets Marrow (Pre transformation into her beautiful form)
Syx says:
Rayah says:
DS: So let me get this strate. My son led those "Muraudders(sp)" into
the tunnals, and your ppl were wiped out. So Rogue finds out and
*grrrrrrr* leaves him to die in Antartica. But you don't blame him for
their deaths.
Marrow: Right. He may be one of the pritty surface dwellers, but he
didn't mean for it to happen. He saved me and tried to stop the
Syx says:
heheheheeh go marrow
Rayah says:
DS: And I supose she's little miss perfict who has never done
Marrow: She was a "Terrorest" once.
Syx says:
cough couch murderous fucking bitch cough cough
Rayah says:
DS: *twitch* (softly) oh really.
DS: I wonder, does she like Blue Nails?
Syx says:
oooh get her DS get her!
Rayah says:
Marrow: Blue nails?
Syx says:
Rayah says:
R: (just walking in) I'll help you find a bat, but AFTER we're done.
I'm also going to pair Remy and Kall off together
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Kall and Arshe arive the next day and Ramy greats them enthusiastically
R: KALL! *Pounce!* Remy MISSED you!
Syx says:
yeeeah! the Thunder Empress! The Ice King!
Syx says:
Arshes: Little brother having problems with pronouns?
Rayah says:
R: Hi Arshe! Papa is inside talking wit Stormy, ya know my friend you
reminded me of? Don' worry, he bevavin' his self. She fry him if he
don' *Drags Kall off* By Arshe!
(later)Rogue: Sence whene do you go for Men, Remy?
R: Since I have always been Bi, and after Balle, Candra, and you I have sworn off de fems
Syx says:
YES! wooohooo!
Rayah says:
Cyclops: *poik poik* You're scerous.
R: mmm hmm.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
DS: besides, Remy and Kall are good for eachother.
Syx says:
yes they are!
Rayah says:
Arshe: So you are the one Remy looks on as a sister?
Storm: Yes. He saved me during a time I was defenceless,
and we have been fast friends ever since.
Syx says:
see? Chivalry ain't dead!
Rayah says:
Arshe: And you used to lead these Morloks?
S: Yes.
A: and you do not blame him?
S: No. I do not.
A: and Marrow doesn't blame him.
S: thet is correct.
A: So where in ALL the HELLS does this Rogue creature
get off blaming him?!
Syx says:
zap he ZAP HER!
Rayah says:
Storm: You have hit upone the crux of the matter.
She had no right to pass judgment on him.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Arshe: If Darsh does not kill her, I will! Remy is FAMILY to me. I KNOW
what it's like to be scorned and to have NOTHING. Family is the
most preasous thing in all the worlds. Does she have any idea
what she has thrown away?
S: I do not beleave so.
Syx says:
are you ready to RUUUUUUMBLLLLLE?
Rayah says:
A: Remy is one who Feels what others feel. I think you call such people
Empaths. He would make ANY one the perfict lover! And he loved
her SO much he was willing to give up EVER touching a lover
A: She is a FOOL! A soon to be DEAD fool, If I have any say in the matter.
Syx says:
yes yes yes!
Rayah says:
S: You love him very much, even though you have only known him a
very short time.
A: He is ultamitly the reason Darsh took in Kall and my self.
S: Oh? How so?
A: Darsh was serching for Remy at the time. He told me, that he could
not walk away and leave us on our own, to slowly die of cold, and
hungar, KNOWING the same kould well happen to Remy.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
S: How did Remy and Kall Su come to be together?
Syx says:
yeah how did that happen?
Rayah says:
A: I am uncertan of the details, but I think it started with the night they
were both roming the halls of Sta Vern while we were visiting.
Apparently traveling through the snow feilds woke Ramy's
nightmares, and Kall has always been a restless sleaper.
Syx says:
ah yes ye merry olde hurt/comfort purrrrrrrr
Rayah says:
A: A few weeks later, I went to Kall's study to find a book to read while
Darsh and Gara were out hunting bandits, and found them cuddled
up in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a quilt, fast asleep, and
totally naked.
S; You meen they...
Syx says:
giggle Uber Kawaii!
Rayah says:
A: actually, no. I know for a fact they didn't start to get phisacally intamit
for at least another week. It seams, Kall had coxed Remy outside
into the market place, and on their way back They had somehow
gotten soaked. Kall and Remy had to stripp out of their clothing to
get dry and warm.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
S: Kall is a rather handsom man
Syx says:
yes he is!
Rayah says:
A: Yes. and their sooooooo Kawaii together.
Syx says:
must bribe/pay/commision PL Nunn for fan art of those two....
Rayah says:
mmm hmmm
Rayah says:
The scean of them snuggling togheter infront of the fire place.
Syx says:
pur pur and arshes peaking around the door to smile at them
Rayah says:
mmm hmm
Jubalee: So, like, this Darsh guy is Remy's dad, and Remy is from a
world of magic? So where does the mutant stuff come from?
Syx says:
yes where does it come from and why do i get the feelign sinny's ass is
grass and DS gets to play lawnmower...
Rayah says:
Kall: A creature called Sinister captured Remy when he was first
banished to this world after being changed into a newborn babe
K: Remy spent four years as that creatures prissoner/expariment
J: wow. Old Pasty Face made Remy a mutant?
K: So it would seem.
J: He is soooooooo dead when this is over.
Arshe: Indeed he is.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
J: so who all is on the "to Kill" list?
Page: I can't beleave you're taking this so calmly.
J: Look at it this way, you have a 400+ yr lod Fire Wizard who has
already vaped a God of Distruction on the loos looking to deal out a
little bloody retribution to those who harmed his son.
J: do you honistly think any of us or the X-men could stop him? Puh-leez.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Arshe: and to answere your question: Sinister, and someone called
Sabertooth are dead, they just don't know it yet.
Syx says:
Rogue! don't for get her!
Rayah says:
Kall: DS is planing to cast the nail of the accused on Rogue, and I thing
they're going to go after someone called Candre.
Arshe: Darsh want's to go after the Assasens Guild in New Orleans.
K: I don't think Remy will let him
Syx says:
Rayah says:
A: mmm you're probibly right. He does still seem to have a fondness for
the Belle woman. Not nearly enough to want to go back to her, but
he still sees her as a friend.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
M: What I want to know is what are the two of you. (ever the tactless bitch)
Syx says:
heh heh sic 'er Arshe light her ass up!
Rayah says:
A: I am one born of a human and a Dark Elf. Darsh raised me and I
later became The Thunder Empress Arshes Ne. Do not forget that
Kall: My Father was eather a demon or a dragon, DS took me in and
raised me when my powers startred to serface. I became the Ice
King Kall Su, Ruler of Sta Vern. And only DS has ever been able to
defete me in battle.
Syx says:
that's right! and only because Kall-chan wanted to be stopped so there Nyahh
Rayah says:
Remy (from the doorway): Dey're two of de Four Warlords of Havoc.
Dey almost took over our entire home world. And de only reason
dey were stopped, is cause Arshe didn' wan' to fight Papa, and Kall
wanted to be stopped.
A: *chuckle* you know you're accent gets much thicker when you're tired?
R: Bite me Arsh.
A: I would, but Kall would get jelous, and Gara would deck you.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
R: You're just jelous cause I'm gettin' some, and you're not.
Syx says:
giggle squeak~
Rayah says:
Kall: *BLUSH*
Kall: *hissing* Remy!
R: Oh like dey didn' know!
K: Oh?
R: He he, I kinda lost my sheilds and ... ah... brodcast a little...
Kall: oh gods... *puts his face in his hands*
R: its not that bad, Emma was very appriciative. She said it finally got Sean's "Ass in gear"
Syx says:
yes! emma/sean smut!
oh happy day!
Rayah says:
New scene:
Sinister in his lab, going over his latest "work" when a chilling voice comes out of the dark.
CV: You are a walking dead man, you do relize this don't you?
S: Who's there?!
CV: No one you would know of. But I will tell you
this, Beath is coming for you. Death in the form of a man with white hair.
S: Magneto is no match for me.
CV: I don't know who this "Magneto" person is. I
speak of the Man-Demon. Best you prepare for the
here after. You will be dead soon.
Syx says:
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Later that day at Gen-X HQ:
A new arivel is greated.
Arshe: Gara! You're here!
Syx says:
yes! Gara-Sempai!
Rayah says:
Gara: Hay Arshe. I would have been here sooner, but I had... some
buseness to take care of.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Kall: *eyeing him* I'll bet. So when are you going to tell Remy you put
the fear of Ninja Master Gara of the Four Warlords of Havoc into
G: Who, me? Would I do a thing like that?
A&K: Yes.
Syx says:
Bwahahaaaaa! Luff my gara-sempai!
Rayah says:
We LUV gara!
Syx says:
gara-chan no kawaii!
Rayah says:
he he
(Scene: DS meets Candra)
DS: You've been messing with my son's mind.
Candra: Oh?
DS: It ends.
C: and If I don't want it to?
DS: Do you honistly think I'm impressed with you being 400 yrs old? I'm
not. We're about the same age, you and I, but I'm more powerful
than you, and I'm MEENER than you.
Syx says:
Rayah says:
Candra: *blink blink* Who are you?
DS: I am Dark Schnider, Rushe Ren Ren, Darsh,
That White Haired Bastard. I have many names. Pick one.
C: Who is your son?
DS: Oh you can't miss him. my height, aubern hair,
red on black eyes. real ladies man.
DS: You WILL leave him and his friends alone. If nessicary, I can
insure you behave. How does spending the rest of your life working
for charities sound? It's eather that of I can turn you into a toad.
Syx says:
mwehehee! he's a bad bad man
Rayah says:
(Remy, brake out the stock of bat wings! I have another victum!)
Syx says: