New Links page, and I'm slowly working my way
through the site, fixing broken images, and
story links. wish me luck:) And as always, I
accept submissions!
Three Months since an update! yeesh!
DoJ pt 24 and a god guide by Mel and Christy.
And created a Mailing List for my site! The link's at
the bottem of the page!
Happy Holidays!
fixed the link to DoJ pt 20.
And created a Mailing List for my site! The link's at
the bottem of the page!
Pt 4 & 5 of Shanty by Em is finely up
and a NEW AUTHOR in the Guest Archive!
Aaaaaaaand got the link to my fic "Personals" working.
It can be found at My Archive>
PT 16 of Rebuilding by Mell and Christy is finely up,
HOWEVER! Due to cercomstances upt of my controle,
I lost (read my comp ATE ) several of the fic
submisions sent to me. So other updates are going
to take a bit more time :(
Finally remembered to put up pt 14&15 of Rebuilding by Mell and Christy
Shanty Side Storry by Em
Personals By
DoJ pt 23 by Mell and Christy
Shanty pt 2&3 by Em
A second sidestory/leadin to Hidden Bloodlines by Jchild and Tfoot
And a NEW AUTHOR! Morgana
Go read!!!!
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee
Happy Birthday to me,
A fic from Em in
The Guest Archive Go See!
added Em's side story to Waltz,
and pt 21 of DoJ in the The Guest Archive
Changed my Link's Page
added part 3 to Em's Waltz in theThe Guest Archive
Added a NEW AUTHOR!! toThe Guest Archive
Kirasmommy is a WONDERFULLY tallented author who was
nice enough to allow me to host some of her
Buffy the Vampire Slayer stuff! Go Read!!!!
03/12/02 & 03/13/02
Added part 12 to Rebuilding at Mel and Christy's page
Added a NEW AUTHOR!! toThe Guest Archive Go Read!!!!
Added a Link and Banner to the
Center for Missing and Exploited Children
of which I am a proud suporter of.
Also a NEW AUTHOR!! toThe Guest Archive Go Read!!!!
Added part 20 to "Demon of Justice" by Mel and Christy
Added part 11 of Rebuilding by Mel and Christy,
Added part 19 to Demon of Justice by Mel and Christy,
Wow! two updates in two days!
Posted Magic and Mayhem to MY FICS!!!!
*GASP!* I actually wrote, completed, and POSTED one
of my own works! It's been, like 2 YEARS! *passes out in shock*
First update of the New Year!
UpdatedKoko-chan and Blue Spanach's page:
Fixed the Counter
High tide; Spring Frolic; Spook, Charlie, and
Fuzzball save the Day-- er Night; Caverns;
Peppermint Mousse, and Visitors.
Mel and Christy's page is also updated!
Fixed that counter too
Rebuilding parts 1-10 are up;
and Demon of Justice parts 16-18 are up
Put up my Adopt a Kitten page!
Added my new Chat Room
Go take a look!
Wow! twice in one day!
ADDED: Reunion, So This is Christmas, That Damn Tree,
and Night Shift by Mel and Christy in the Guest Archive
Created a new page for all the fic snippets I write
while chatting with my neechan, I'm calling it The Cutting Bored
Part 15 to "Demon of Justice is up at the Guest Archive
Put up Son Kai's PWP staring Zel and Xellos
in the Guest Archive
Demon of Justice pt 14 is up in the Guest Archive Go read!