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which have proved useful

Link What's at the site
HTML CODES 1 HTML character codes Part I.
HTML CODES 2 HTML character codes Part II.
Bookmarklets Neat way to combine javascript and bookmarks.
Heather's Humpty-Dumpty Homestead Down-to-earth tutorial.
Webmonkey HTML Teaching Tool.
Dimitry Kirsanov's Top 10 Web design tips.
Graphics and colours
HTML Color Picker Downloadable software from Yin Yan Productions.
Electricon Downloadable freeware folder icons.
Graphics Graphics and colours, from Urban Myth.
Over the Rainbow Gini Schmitz's graphics site. (The batik-based background on this page came from there.)
Rattlesnake Graffiti Jinger Dixon's graphics site.
General discussion
Extensible Markup Language The cutting edge.
Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW The blunt edge? Jakob Nielsen's Website - Web usability.