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of one kind or another

Link What's at the site
AltaVista™ translation with Systran® Computer translation on the Web.
Travlang's Foreign Languages for Travellers Useful phrases in amazing range of languages, often with pronunciation.
Electric Editors British editors' website - discussion forums, etc.
Common Errors in English Paul Brians' advice on correct (American) English. (He's a professor.)
Little Venetian Glossary Venice has its own kind of Italian.
Cliché finder Do you want to use a cliché? Or not? Either way, this site can help.
A Seattle Lexicon Nicknames and so forth from Seattle, Washington.
The Slot An American copy editor articulates his views.
Frisian Minority-community language in the Netherlands and Germany.
Gàidhlig / Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic Texts Society 'To provide the publication of texts in the Scottish Gaelic language,' proposed Prof W.J.Watson in 1934 (link dead)
ACGA An Comunn Gaidhealach America (The Gaelic Society of America).
Gaelic Dictionaries Online Links to online Manx, Gaelic and Irish dictionaries.
Gaelic Dictionary - Faclair Ewen MacEachen's Gaelic dictionary of 1842 (provided by the Catholic Church, Western Isles, Scotland)
BBC Alba - Prògraman Gàidhlig BBC Scotland's Gaelic programmes.
Litir do Luchd-Ionnsachaidh, le Ruairidh MacIlleathain Letter to Learners, by R.M. (sound available via RealPlayer).
Scots on the Wab Scotland's languages include English, Gaelic ... and Scots. (link dead)