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Bookwire Inside the (American) Book Business.
Canongate Edinburgh-based publisher.
FireandWater London's HarperCollins.
Steve Savage Publishers Independent publisher.
Online Originals Online publisher.
The On-Line Books Page Links to books whose text is available on-line (edited by John Mark Ockerbloom).

  Some writers...

Richard Brautigan The Brautigan pages.
Ithaca: A Tribute to Constantine Cavafy The Greek poet Cavafis - links, texts.
Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales.
The Joseph Heller Archive That's some catch, that catch 22.
Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird Information and links.
Doris Lessing: A Retrospective A labour of love.
Macondo: A Gabriel García Márquez website Compendious site devoted to the Colombian writer.
The Rossetti Archive The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A Hypermedia Research Archive.
Shakespeare The complete works of William Shakespeare online.

  Some bookstores... Amazon's British store. Find secondhand books at this site. Find secondhand books at this site.