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REIKI CERTIFICATION Usui Shiki Ryoho Tradition

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and powerful but gentle healing. It is accepted by more than seventy hospitals thoughout the country. Reiki is used to enhance medical treatment, shortening healing time and reducing or eliminating pain. It has aided in healing virtually every known illness and injury including serious problems like heart desease, cancer, fatigue, insomnia, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Reiki I $150

Reiki I is an introductory course that enables a person to begin administering Reiki by "laying on hands" or healing touch, the same manner that the great ascended masters like Jesus did their healing. Because Reiki comes from the Source the pactitioner never has to worry about depleting his or her own energy or in picking up unwanted energies or vibrations from the person that is being worked on. Reiki treats both the practitioner and the client.

Reiki II $300

Reiki II further advances the practice of Reiki and the practioner is able to utilize their Reiki practice to include distant healing. The word Reiki is made of the words, REI which means God's consciousness and KI which is universal life force. Life force flows within the physical body through pathways called chakras and meridians that is known as the auric field. The life force reacts to thoughts and feelings. Our auric field becomes disrupted when we accept either consciously or unconsciously adverse thoughts and feelings. Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the body.

Reiki III $500, Reiki Master $500

In Reiki III and Reiki Master the practioner will learn how to pass Reiki attunements onto others. They will also learn how to teach classes for Reiki I and II levels. I strongly recommend Reiki for nurses. When the practioner utilizes Reiki it is a viable tool in preveniting "burn out". It is an excellant way for nurses to restore their energy and avoid depletion.