Life Coaching for Self, Community, and Business

Personal life training in assistance with life inventory, personal goal setting, alleviating harmful emotions, development of deep listening skills, and meditation that leads to a peaceful frame of mind.




Silver City 


Panelist and Seminar presenter at University of Michigan Law School Symposium-Latino Voices: Moving America Beyond the Black and White Binary

Member of Council on Excellence and Equity, New Mexico Public Education Department, State Capital, Santa Fe, NM

Board Member of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, Albuquerque, NM


El Paso Community College, El Paso, TX

Instructor of English as a second language from level I to level VIII at the Language Center.

Development of an instructional program at Eureka Plant for beginning, intermediate and advanced levels.  


Tucson, AZ

Successful in building an organization with over 40 affiliates and 30,000 members.

Increased city funding of south side services in the city of Tucson to include housing, recreation, police protection and neighborhood cleanup. 


Albuquerque, NM

Where we were successful in passing legislation toward the funding of a health study on the effects of water contamination in the southern valley of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

EPA declared the contaminated area a Super Fund Site.


Washington DC

Training for organizations on proposal writing, organizational development and leadership development

On-site project evaluations assisting them with board development, management of budgets, fundraising with foundations and individual donors, campaign development, and community development.


Stockton, California  

I coordinated several voter registration drives that targets Latinos, Asian Americans, and African Americans through Project VOTE and the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project

I coordinated the grape boycott for the United Farm Workers under Cesar Chavez

Founder of People and Congregations Together a citywide community development program in collaboration with Pacific Institute for Community Organizations


Phoenix AZ 

I created the number one statewide Catholic youth program in the country with over 60 paid youth directors.  I did leadership  development, workshops on board development, organizational management, group processes, fundraising and proposal writing. 



I graduated cum laude from the College of Santa Fe with a BA and a major in Social Work and a minor in Philosophy.

Graduate work:

·        Theology, at the Berkley Theological Union.

·        Social Work at New Mexico State University

·        Organizational Development at California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco

·        Mexican History, Culture and Anthropology at Colegio de Mexico and the Universidad Nacional De Mexico.

Special studies:

·        Community Organizing: Pacific Institute for Community Organizations, United Farm Workers, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, and the Industrial Areas Foundation

·        Proposal Writing: Campaign for Human Development, Washington Area Training Center



 Carlos Provencio


He has done personal growth work with master teachers in the Buddhist and Hindu tradition and Native American holy men/women. He has participated in Lakota Sun Dance Ceremonies and Vision Quests. He is a certified Reiki Master. His energy work includes meditation, rebirthing, emotional releasing, DNA activation, karmic cleansing and healing of Mother Earth.


As a community organizer and political activist, Mr. Provencio has coordinated the grape boycott for the United Farm Workers under Cesar Chavez in Stockton, California. He has also coordinated several voter registration drives that targets Latinos, Asian Americans, and African Americans through Project VOTE and the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project.


He has done grant making for the Campaign of Human Development, United States Catholic Conference of Bishops in Washington DC. Through the Industrial Areas Foundation he has created public policy and legislation that supports children, youth and families.


He has helped legislate the funding of a health study for victims of water contamination in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the city of Tucson, Arizona he has mobilized the development of youth recreation in the south side and has assisted with the process of targeting high drop-out rates and absenteeism of Native American children.


He has been a panelist and seminar presenter at the University of Michigan Law School Symposium Latino Voices: Moving America Beyond the Black and White Binary. With Pima County Interfaith Council and San Jose Community Awareness Council he has done training in community organizing, conducting political actions, issue development/research, and fund raising. With Washington Area Training Center he has done training in proposal writing and fund raising


He also has been an Instructor at Western New Mexico University in Life Skills Management, GED and ESL. At Stream International Corporation he has trained in Basic Computer Skills, Customer Support, and Training the Trainer. With the El Paso Community College he has taught classes in ESL. For Adolescent Family Life Program he has taught Parenting, Domestic Violence and Life Skills.

In Silver City, he has done organizational development work that has included proposal writing, fundraising, and volunteerism. Organizations that have benefited include the Grant Co. Jobs and Biodiversity Coalition in proposal writing, Southwestern Hispanic Roundtable in organizational development, Sirolli Entrepreneurship & Economic Development in proposal writing, New Mexico Wilderness Alliance in board participation, New Mexico Public Education Department, Council on Excellence and Equity in council participation, Cobre Consolidated School District in drop out prevention and parent participation, Silver City Community Built Park in proposal writing, Santa Clara Recreation Center in legislative funding, and the Las Cruces Big Brother Big Sister Program in fund raising. 

He has been the program coordinator for a Ford Foundation Grant that funded the development and support of community based forestry. We created resources for small business development, did capacity building for several community based organizations, supported initiatives that advocated for leadership development in marginalized communities, collaborated with existing institutions around economic development and did legislative lobbying for community based efforts. Participating organizations included SIGRED, City of Santa Clara, Forest Service, Gilawoodnet, Nature Conservancy and the Center for Biological Biodiversity.



    Holistic energy work includes Reiki, rebirthing, emotional releasing, DNA activation, karmic cleansing and healing of Mother Earth

    Community Relations in working with media, press releases, newsletters, coalition building, and legislative lobbying.

    Board member for several organizations doing grassroots leadership development in the training, identifying and motivating of leaders

    Community development, management of budgets, and fundraising with foundations and individual donor.

    Leadership development through identifying leaders, volunteer recruitment and training.

    Legislative action through confronting politicians, debating issues, and forums for action.

    Grant writing, fund raising, research, education, and training.

    Building an organization through one to one relationship building, issue development and house meetings


Organizations Carlos has worked with

*      Democratic Party of New Mexico

*      Grant Co. Jobs and Biodiversity Coalition, Silver City, New Mexico

*      Southwestern Hispanic Roundtable and the Hispano Roundtable of Nuevo Mexico, Silver City, New Mexico

*      Successful Entrepreneurship & Economic Development, Silver City, New Mexico

*      New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, Albuquerque, New Mexico

*      New Mexico Public Education Department, Council on Excellence and Equity, Santa Fe, New Mexico

*      Campaign for Human Development, Washington, DC.

*      San Jose Community Awareness Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

*      Albuquerque Interfaith Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

*      People and Congregations Together, Stockton, California.

*      United Farm Workers, Stockton, California,

*      Pima County Interfaith Council, Tucson, Arizona.


Coaching for Life, Community and Business

PO Box 1455 

Bayard, New Mexico 88023 

Phone (575) 537-2696


Work Experience:


Community Organizing, Silver City, NM    1996- Present

Organizing get out the vote campaigns, voter registration, training of volunteers, and program management work in proposal writing, fundraising, and community development. Organizations that have benefited include the Grant Co. Democratic Party in management of political campaigns, Grant Co. Jobs and Biodiversity Coalition in proposal writing, Southwestern Hispanic Roundtable in organizational development, Sirolli Entrepreneurship & Economic Development in proposal writing, New Mexico Wilderness Alliance in board participation, New Mexico Public Education Department, Council on Excellence and Equity,  in council participation,  Development Work, PO Box 1455, Bayard, NM 88023, 505-537-2696. 


Panelist and Seminar presenter at University of Michigan Law School Symposium-Latino Voices: Moving America Beyond the Black and White Binary

Member of Council on Excellence and Equity, New Mexico Public Education Department, State Capital, Santa Fe, NM

Board Member of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, Albuquerque, NM



Instructor of English as a second language, El Paso Community College, El Paso, TX 1994 - 1996

I taught English as a second language to an adult population of multicultural diversity that included Mexican, Japanese, Chinese and Lebanese students. El Paso Community College, PO Box 20500, 432 Frederick, El Paso, Texas 79918. Phone is 915 831-6021.


Instructor of English as a second language from level I to level VIII at the Language Center.

Development of an instructional program at Eureka Plant for beginning, intermediate and advanced levels.  


Community Organizing, Tucson, AZ 1991-1993

I did community organizing for Pima County Interfaith Council an Industrial Areas Foundation Affiliate where my responsibility was to do grassroots leadership development in the training, identifying and motivating of leaders. I also did issue development and policy making by doing one to one individual meetings, implementation of tight and effective neighborhood house meetings, city and county wide actions, organizing successful campaigns, developing legislation and lobbying. Pima County Interfaith Council, 101 W. 312nd St., Tucson, Arizona 85713, (520) 622-5926 


Successful in building an organization with over 40 affiliates and 30,000 members.

Increased city funding of south side services in the city of Tucson to include housing, recreation, police protection and neighborhood cleanup. 


Community Organizing, Albuquerque, NM 1989-1991

I did community organizing  and community health for San Jose Community Awareness Council in partnership with Chevron Oil Co. Collaboration was done with local neighborhood associations and organizations such as Southwest Information and Research Center. Eventually a citywide organization was developed to do leadership development and community.  This organization is currently the Albuquerque Interfaith Council an Industrial Areas Foundation Affiliate  (505) 242-3658.


Where we were successful in passing legislation toward the funding of a health study on the effects of water contamination in the southern valley of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

EPA declared the contaminated area a Super Fund Site.


Community Organizing, Washington DC 1987 - 1989

I was Field Representative for the Campaign for Human Development out of Washington, DC, covering the southwest region of the United States by doing grant making and technical assistance provision for nonprofit. Campaign for Human Development, USCC, 3211 Fourth St., NE, Washington DC 20017-1194. (202) 541-3210.


Training for organizations on proposal writing, organizational development and leadership development

On-site project evaluations assisting them with board development, management of budgets, fundraising with foundations and individual donors, campaign development, and community development.


Community Organizing, Stockton, California   1985- 1987 

I was the cofounder of People and Congregations Together a citywide community development program in collaboration with Pacific Institute for Community Organizations.  As a community organizer and political activist, I coordinated the grape boycott for the United Farm Workers under Cesar Chavez in Stockton, California.  I also coordinated several voter registration drives that targets Latinos, Asian Americans, and African Americans through Project VOTE and the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project. Stockton, California, Pacific Institute for Community Organizations


I coordinated several voter registration drives that targets Latinos, Asian Americans, and African Americans through Project VOTE and the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project

I coordinated the grape boycott for the United Farm Workers under Cesar Chavez

Founder of People and Congregations Together a citywide community development program in collaboration with Pacific Institute for Community Organizations


State-wide Management of Youth Programs, Phoenix AZ, 1982-1985

I created the number one statewide Catholic youth program in the country with over 60 paid youth directors.  I did leadership development, workshops on board development, organizational management, group processes, fundraising and proposal writing.  Diocesan Pastoral Center, 400 E. Monroe Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004-2336, Phone: 602 354-2380



I graduated cum laude from the College of Santa Fe with a BA and a major in Social Work and a minor in Philosophy.

Graduate work:

·        Theology, at the Berkley Theological Union.

·        Social Work at New Mexico State University

·        Organizational Development at California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco

·        Mexican History, Culture and Anthropology at Colegio de Mexico and the Universidad Nacional De Mexico.

Special studies:

·        Community Organizing: Pacific Institute for Community Organizations, United Farm Workers, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, Industrial Areas Foundation

·        Proposal Writing: Campaign for Human Development, Washington Area Training Center

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