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Disclaimer: Any information or pictures used in this site are purely for the benifit of the fans. All images and information remain the property of their respective copyright holders.
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not, nor will I ever own Human Nature - the band and associated matters are owned by Sony Music Australia.
I do not have any contact with the band or any affiliation with matters concerning the members.
This site is purely for fan enjoyment and no money is being made from it

However, all manipulated image material remains my property. Unauthorised reproduction of anything found on this website is prohibited and will be punished.
If you wish to use an image or phrase on your own site please ask my permission beforehand. If you do not, I will find out.

Well I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that I owed the creation and stability of this site to the help, guidence and presence of a number of people.
Firstly I have to mention that I have a fabulous computer that, although I complain endlessly about it, has behaved very well for me while I've been making this site!

My Banana Girls!!: Sally and Simone you guys are DA BOMB!! Where would I be without my fabbo banana buddies?? [M-lying in a gutter somewhere? A-what again?? hehe soz - little HN quote! couldn't resist!]
Can't wait until we can rock Melbourne and Adelaide again ... SOON!! And possibly even invade some other states!?!?!
Luv you guys!! *hugs* WE WORSHIP YELLOW FRUIT!!! :)

Donna: I'm baaaack :) Thanks for not letting me abandon HN! I'm so glad you did. Thanks for loving my pages and feeding my ego when it needed it. You're turning into a great little webmaster :) Luv your sites!!

Everyone on the HN Message Board: Luv everyone there - could do without the fighting but it seems to be lessening. Thanks for taking such an interest in my sites and actually visiting them!

My (ex-)school friends: Thanks for pretending to listen when I rambled on and on about my HN experiences!
It was great therapy! I'll send you the checques for your therapy as soon as I can :O) hehe

And finally to Andrew, Michael, Phil and Toby: Who could ask for better subjects when creating a website?
Thankyou for the hours of listening - everything you do seems only to accent and exceed your previous work. It's not difficult to tell why or how you have attracted such a wide and loyal fan base from accross the world!
Thankyou mainly for being so tolerant and understanding of my friends and I as we followed you around Melbourne!
It can't be easy seeing the same faces everywhere you go!
Don't ever change!