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>> 1997 >> SMASH HITS
Spin The Bottle With Human Nature

Before Andrew, Mike, Toby and Phil winged their was to Europe to join Michael Jackson and Celine Dion on their European tours, the lively lads invited Smash Hits to lunch. While waiting for the entree to arrive, we indulged in a little spin-the-bottle. Smash Hits provides the hat of quiestions and gives the bottle its first spin. And it lands on ...Toby!

Toby, how many times have you been in love?
Toby: I've been in love lots, but I think each time I fall out of love I realise that it probably wasn't love the first time, so I think love's sort of growing. With each new releationship you learn more, and you're like, more in love.

Michael, would you make a good dad?
Michael: yeah, I think I'd make a good dad, 'cos I really love kids and I'd love to have them, I guess.
Would you be a strict father?
Michael: umm, I'm not too sure.
If you had a 14-year-old daughter who was seeing a guy seven years older, how would you react?
Michael: I'd probably be a bit wary. I'd want to meet the guy. Until it happens it's hard to know what you'd do, 'cause you can say that you'd be cool with it, but I think at the time you want them to stay at home forever.
Would you let your kids date a pop star?
Michael: If the pop star was nice, if he was a nice guy or if she was a nice girl, I would.

Phil, is Toby a gym junkie?
Phil: No, Toby isn't a gym junkie. Toby used to go to the gym quite a bit, but it's sort of tailed off a little now. I know he still goes to the gym now and them. It's just that Toby builds muscle quiker than any of us that it might appear that he goes to the gym a lot. He did heaps of swimming at school, he was a champion breastroker.

Toby, would you be a fan of HUman NAture if you weren't you?
Toby: I don't know. I think the four of us are pretty easygoing guys and hopefully we're likeable as people. I would definately love our music. If I was outside the groups and there was a group doing exactly what we're doing, then I'd love what we do. I like the harmony and the songs are great.

Andrew, when you hear one of your songs on the radio, do you turn it up or off?
Andrew: I turn it up. We haven't hread our songs on the radio much though, because they've been on while we've been away
Do you sing along when you hear one?
Andrew: Nno, I try to listen to how it sounds, how it compares with other songs on the radio. I want to see if a person can actually sing along.
Would you have done anything differently?
Andrew: Not with 'Don't Say Goodbye'. That sounds really good. We worked hard to get that to sound how it does. Be we would never rewrite a song.

Phil, how much money do you have in the bank?
Phil: Nowhere near wnough for me to move out of home. I'd love more, but it's enough to keep me off the streets. Wnough to keep me out of the gutter.
Enough to keep your car running?
Phil: Just. My car's a little bit sick at the moment. It just had it's clutch fixed and now the gearbox is stuffed.

Toby, when was the last time you cooked up a storm in the kitchen?
Toby: I do that very rarely . As a kid I used to love cooking, but my mum hated it 'cause I used to take forever in the kitchen. I'm probably a bit anal about things like that. I get all the ingredients out, then I measure them all out. There was a time when I was a kid when I was going to be a pastry chef, but it kinda didn't work out that was. I cooked for my flatmate a few months ago.
Have you ever cooked a meal for the guys in the band?
Toby: No. But once we cooked a meal for ourselves; mashed potato and fish fingers. haha

Andrew, when was the last time you were pulled over by the police?
Andrew: Umm ...I don't know. I'm trying to think ...I was pulled over and breath-tested once. The last time I was fined was for parking outside our management's office. I ran downstairs when I saw the guy booking my car - i was parked in a one-hour parking zone. He had written on the fine that I've been standing there for one hour and 15 minutes, but I'd only been there one hour and 10 minutes. So I challenged him. I tried to get out of ir. I told him at least he should get the fine right.

Toby, when was the last time you knocked a nail into a piece of wood?
Toby: That would have been years ago, probably helping my dad put a roof over something. I remember we built a box around our swimming pool filter. I was about 14.

Mike, what's the easiest way of embarrassing Andrew?
Michael: I think Andrew does a very good job of embarrassing himself. He often opend up his mouth and says something and regrets it, like challenging the parking warden. He can be a bit tactless sometimes too.
Andrew: I usually say something I find quite funny, that is until I've said it. Then I realise how rude it is or how disgusting it is.

Toby, would Phil ever get a tattoo
Toby: Maybe. He's the one with the earring. If he did get a tattoo, it wouls be of something tasteful ...a tattoo covering his entire back. haha. No, it would probably be something small and unobtrusive.
Phil: I've always thought tattoos were okay, but I've never considered ever getting one.

Mike, what's the first thing you'll say to Jackso when you meet him?
Michael: G'day! haha. No, I'll probably say something like, it's a pleasure to meet you and I really respect your music, I've been listening to it since I was a little kid.
Will you get to meet him this time?
Andrew: Well, it's one of our missions. We hope that at one stage on the tous we'll get to meet him.

Andrew, why won't Mike get his hair cut?
Andrew: Because he looks like the FA Cup! hahaha. If you saw Mike's passport photo, you wouldn't have to ask. Mike's got quite prominent ears. When he was little, he had a haircut not unlike Rob Brough, y'know the guy who hosts Family Feud. He's got a real box head and he used to get it cut real short.
Michael: Maybe one day I'll shock everyone and shave it all of. haha

Mike, do you change the toilet roll when it runs out?
Michael: Sometimes.
Andrew: Are you kidding! You never change the toilet roll. YOu just take a new one out of the packet.
Michael: I do!
Toby: You just leave one on the back of the toilet, don't you. You're one of those people.
Michael: ...Now that I think about it mabe I don't. I just take it out of the packet and leave it on the ground and wait for someone else to change it.

Toby, who buys your underwear?
Toby: I don't live at home so my mum doesn't buy mine. And I think Andrew's and Mike's mum is trying to stop buying theirs. I think we all buy our own underwear, except the underwear our fans buy us. In japan some fans bought us some.

Phil, who are better, Human Nature or Hanson?
Phil: Gee, I think we're different. If we tried to do a rockin' guitar song like them, I think they'd pull that off a bit better than us. But I think with vocal harmonies, that washy, romantic harmony, I think we do. We've both got good and bad points. Allthough, I like that song of theirs, Mmmbop. It's realy funky.

Toby, when was the last time one of you farted in a lift?
Toby: The most memorable was mine in Japan, I think. We's just stepped out of a life.
And you all ran for it, right?
Andrew: We couldn't because we were all lying about on the floor. He shook the walls. haha.
Michael: We were talking to these people from a magazine too.

The entrees are finally served. The bottle is quickly pushed aside, and we all tuck into some top-notch pesto. Yum!