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My last bio here was a little dark and loathing. I wasn't in the best frame of mind writing it.
So, here's a new one. A little info about little-'ole-me so you know who's work you're looking at ...

Subtle Insanity - My Personal Site Online Names: *ovaltinie* and xalanas
Real Name: Ruth
Location: Melbourne Australia
Birthday: March 13th 1982 - I'm 20
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'2"
Likes: Music, animals, webdesign, friends, loyalty, confusion, chaos
Dislikes: Cruelty, boredom, sleep, unkindness, bitchiness, egos, spiders, bad websites
Music: Human Nature, Michael Jackson, Alanis Morissette, Sarah Maclaughlan, Invertigo, Track 5 and HEAPS and HEAPS of others!!
TV Shows: The West Wing, Buffy, Angel, The Sentinel, Now and Then, The Pretender, Rove [Live], Hey Hey It's Saturday [sob, it's finished :(]
Sports: None :) I don't like sport!

My HN Story:
I first became a fan when I heard Wishes way back in 1996. Remember how beautiful that song sounded the fisrt time you heard it? Especially when you didn't know everything (or anything) about the group who sings it! It was heaven on a stick! (or in a car radio anyways!)

So basically I started to buy CD's, magazines, anything featuring Human Nature. Then followed the group around to instores and concerts - and yes I did reach the ultimate point of obsession where I was waiting at the airport from 6.30am for a flight I wasn't even sure they were on!!

But it was all in the name of fun!!

After a while (3 and a half years after the obsession had began) it just wasn't fun anymore. Fans were fighting and bitchiness was prevailing over friendship. So I stopped going to the airport, lost interest in seeing concerts, and wasn't at all bothered about missing instores. I bought CD's only because they were there and my once successful fan website slowly died. So late 1999 and early 2000 were pretty-much HN-Free for me.

In April 2000 I went to Tour 2000 in Melbourne and it was FANtastic!! Slowly, ever so slowly, my fan-dom for the band returned - thanks to the extreme pushiness of my bestest bud SImone :) *hugs*

In May, I closed my neglected website 'At Home With Human Nature' and opened 'Natural Incentive'. A brand new take on HN online to match my new-found love for the band!

Now, as album number three invades our lives I'm back with avengence and loving every minute of it thanks to all my HN friends on and offline.

My Life:
I'm currently a third year uni student at Victoria University in Melbourne. It's a great uni! I actually luv it at times [and at times I loathe it more than anything else haha]

I'm studying a Music Industry/Business Degree. Hoping one day to be working at Sony Music with up and coming Australian pop acts!

I'm doing a bit of stuff with 'Track 5' a great new melbourne boy band that my friend Ella manages - so keep an eye out for them!

Well, that's all there is to me for now - that I'm sharing anyway hehe ;) [we'll keep that split personality under wraps for now. Don't wanna scare anyone away! Ooops - spoke too soon!]