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Click on the chat talkcity button to enter the VELOCITY chat room!

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Or use MY IRC to enter the chat room. (only webtv can use my irc) When the first popup box comes up it says, leave that, just hit enter. Then a second box will come up thats a port number leave that also, again hit enter. Then another box comes up, enter room name VELOCITY or any other room name on talkcity you wish to join, then hit enter. Finally the operator box will come up an unless you have an operator password just hit enter. You need mIRC if you are on a computer. The address is Port number 6667 room name is VELOCITY. If you have any problems getting in feel free to email me @ an ill try to help out.

Note: This is chat room i started for them, for fans to chat about them, learn about them or just hang around in. I have not heard from the guys on wether or not they will join in this chat. Im usually on at nite, if no one is in this room type /msg Blondie64 message here, an tell me youre in the room. Ill come join, if im on. If you do join this chat room feel free to share all opinions, but please be civilized an mature about expressing your opinions.
