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Chris Dodge
Chris D.

Lead Guitarist
Age: 22
Date Of Birth: 4/14/76

Eddie Van Halen, Paul Gilbert, Joe Satriani, Reb Beach, Blues Saraceno

"I have been playing guitar since I was seven. My dad played guitar, so I would sneak downstairs in the middle of the night and play it. He caught me one time and I thought he would be mad, but instead the next day he took me to Guitar Center and bought me a strat! Pretty cool dad huh? I have been playing guitar ever since. Before I met David and joined Velocity I was playing in a couple of local bands here in the Bay Area. Nothing too serious. I was also doing a bunch of studio work and teaching. It's kind of a funny story how I met David. I was checking out an amp at this music store and he just came up and recruited me. We have been inseperable ever since. We are like family. Before I joined Velocity, I was very discouraged about the whole music scene. I mean don't get me wrong, I liked Green Day, Nirvana, and Soundgarden. It was just not what I wanted to play. Everyone my age was tying to play this kind of music. But I was always into Van Halen, Mr.Big, Winger and all those amazing Shrapnel guys. That's what I wanted to play. When David gave me a tape of the songs I was totally jazzed. I mean this was exactly the kind of music that I wanted to play. And boy, it's been busy ever since.
