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My Thoughts

I have many thoughts an comments on Velocity, an i didnt want to crowd the page i made for them with my ramblings so here is where you will find my views an info on updates to this page.

02-19-01 - Im slowly starting to get around to updating more, it takes me awhile. I'm excited to hear about the new album coming out. Since I joined the military theyve got me doing alot of things, and tying up lose ends. Thats why I havent really updated. Atleast I remembered to add credits (my apologies to Lisa and Allen, that it took me so long to add them) . Love to everyone, Isis.

11-16-00 - I know, its been awhile. Everytime I try and update these pages, something comes up. My latest being a temporary digression in common sense, Advice: Avoid Bar Room Brawls! Well it was amusing, but now im back to do updates!

4/17/99 - Its been awhile since i posted some thoughts, but here they are! I think the mp3s at is great, it will give people a chance to REALLY hear what VELOCITY is about. Still the only way to hear them totally is get the cd!! I think im going to add a lyrics section, if i can get permission from david of course. Speaking of david, an all the guys, through the making of this website they have continously been supportive!! Not many other bands would even give their fans pages a second thought or glance. Yet the guys mail me, keep me updated with info an are ALWAYS there to support an appreciate my efforts. I appreciate that more than mere words can describe. If you have ever made a webpage you know how much work goes into it. Appreciation is the best thanks or compliment a person could get. Ive also gotten alot of feedback & responses on this page, so i am thinking about starting a stories page. For other fans to mail me with their VELOCITY stories, it can be meeting the band, the bands music, opinions, comments or anything that comes to mind involving VELOCITY. Well ive rambled enough for today, i must be off to think up other weird or crazy ideas.(Maybe even learn how to spell!!) Love to all, Isis.

2/8/99 - "the distributor we had been working with for Music Blvd has stopped taking "un-signed" acts, so we are now working with a new online retailer: they are called Check it out...our album is on their front page today!" That was sent to me from david today. Thanx for the info david! My opinion on this is, why would music blvd do that? Why does a band need to be signed to get distributed? EITHER WAY THEY HAVE GREAT MUSIC AN THATS NOT HARD TO SEE!!! No wonder its so hard for bands to get anywhere today, its companys like this that make it so damn hard. VELOCITY is phenomenal signed or not. Why miss out on the chance to give the world great music over stupid petty things like that!

1/8/99 - HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS BAND!!!! David just sent me their bios an once again i was blown away!!! Take a look at their bios i just added them! Dont you love when a band never ceases to amaze you? The bios will give you a little closer look at each of the guys personally, i love it!!

From the time they came out till they time they left the stage i was rocking! Not many bands impress me or grab my attention, VELOCITY did. This band is what true rock-n-roll is all about. They put on a wicked stage performance, they are awesome performers with unbelievable tunes! Buy the CD, Trust me you will NOT be disappointed. I just cant seem to say enough about this band.

Thanks to David Victor from Velocity for allowing me to use the info off their official site. He has been so awesome, conversing with me back and forth through email, while ive been making this page. Thanks to Chris Dodge for mailing me an complimenting me on the site. Its nice to know that some bands actually appreciate their fans, an their fans work. (even though im sure my emails are drivin them crazy by now) David has never once been rude the entire time ive been mailing him an has answered all my questions an givin me his thoughts on this page. I just wanted to take the time an let them know how much i appreciate their support on this. Maybe thats why i made this page, i found a band truly worthy of a dedication page.

As i said before this is my very first time making a dedication page for ANY band, an im still not that great at making sites, so if you have any ideas, suggestions or bitches, feel free to mail me an let me know.

A few people that are first time visitors to my page are askin about me, well heres a page that a friend made with some of our pics.
Everything you didnt want to know about me and some friends!
Dont get scared!!(it was a VERY bad pic)


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