Recca Hanabishi is the protagonist of this whole story, and
has a very complicated background. Recca had made a promise to be the ninja of whoever could beat him. Domon and Fuuko made it an everyday affair to defeat him, but to no avail 'cos Recca pulls ninja tricks on them all the time. Since I promised myself that this is to be spoiler-free, you have to find out for yourself how Yanagi became Recca's Hime. But anyway, she does, and Recca protects her in all ways possible. Recca owns an armguard thing that is called a Tekkou, and as you go on, you'll see the picture of it. The following table introduces each of Recca's dragons and their power. I would like to thank the Hoin site for the pictures in the second column, the set with the dragons and their names. Arigatou! |