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In February, 1996, my right arm became numb & tingling.
Looking down caused me to feel dizzy and get electric
currents running down the right side of my body. The
neurologist ordered an MRI and a spinal tap which showed
the usual spots. It seems that I have had MS since 1976.
I lost sight in my right eye and was on prednisone for
almost a year. I did regain some of my sight and was
told that I had inflammation of the optic nerve, not
MS. The doctors did tell me that it was an incurable
disease but they failed to say they thought it was MS.


I started on Avonex (interferon beta) in July, 1996.
It is an injectable medication known to help decrease
excerbations and extend longer periods between
excerbations. You can learn how to give yourself
the injections once a week. Unfortunately,I have
continued to have side affects after all this time.
It is worth it to me because I have not had any
excerbations, regained some of feeling, have less
numbness & tingling and my general well being has
improved slightly. Everyone has learned that injection
day is my "sick day" so I get plenty of rest and recover
quickly. It is a very small price to pay to have the
ability to walk, talk, think - all those things everyone
takes for granted until they are lost. Recently I read
that for the first two years Avonex appears not to be doing
much good, but after you reach the two year mark, you begin
to feel better, with less exhaustion, more control over your
movements and speech, and generally feeling much better.


MS forced me to eventually stop working due to tremendous
fatigue. Knowing where the restrooms are prevents
embarrassing accidents due to loss of of control.
Resting daily sure makes me feel better and have
less pain. A daily ritual of work and rest, work
and rest, exercise and rest makes my life workable.
Avoiding anger and stress by prayer, reading, sewing,
or watching tv improves my chances of not having
another excerbation. Keeping in touch with friends
and family is very important. Being open and
explaining the problems of MS to your family and
friends helps them to help you should you have an
excerbation in their presence. Letting others pick
up tasks that I always did was very hard for me.
It is necessary however, and allows others to offer
you support as needed.


I have experienced all of the below symptoms at one
time or another during these past few years. I have
learned to relax, proceed with caution and try to
prevent becoming overtired or overheated. Pain can
be diminished by taking Ibuprofen 800s as needed.
Medication is available to help you regain bladder
and bowel control when necessary. Keeping a positive
attitude, pushing yourself to "use it or lose it",
and trying hard to improve your physical fitness
becomes a necessity. I am a strong believer in
prayers and God's ability to to give me the strength
I need to live the best life I can keeps me going and
prevents me from becoming depressed or losing hope.

Back Pain - Stiffness in Spine and Back
Beet Red Face - appearing without warning
Bladder and Bowel Control loss,
Body Heat & Cold - rapid overheating, chilled easily
Bone Pain, Achy Joints, Soreness
Breathing Difficulties - Shortness of Breath,
Dizziness - Lack of coordination
Electric Shocks, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia,
Headaches, Hearing Loss - Ringing in Ears,
Inability to Handle Anger or Stress
Inability to Control Your Emotions - overreacting
Inability to make Quick Decisions,
Nerve Pain, Numbness,
Pain almost everywhere in your body-dull or sharp
Panic Attacks - without warning or cause
Short & Long Term Memory Loss,
Sleeplessness - Can't get enough sleep
Slower Response Time, Slower Thought Process,
Stiff Neck and Joints throughout entire body,
Tight Band across your chest - feeling strangled
Tingling sensation throughout body
Vision Problems-Sensitivity to light, unclear vision,


Many suffering from multiple sclerosis have turned to
Kervokian and others who do not treasure the gift of
life. I humble beg all of those suffering from MS to
never give in to the thought of suicide. Be willing
to stand up and fight back and never give up. Never,
Never give up! We can make a difference in this world
by handling our illness with pride and determination.
Always remain in close contact with family, friends
and clergy - tell them your thoughts, your feelings,
your pain. But especially tell them to help you stay
alive. Don't become isolated. Get involved with your
local MS Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis

I personally believe that my suffering can be for the
Glory of God. I love life and all its wonders. I
treasure the gift of life! I Thank God for the gift of

Learn as much as you can about MS - read books, search
the Web for articles about MS, talk to others with MS,
find a doctor who who is willing to learn about MS
and try different medications. Keep a journal about
your daily suffering and enjoyment of life. Take charge
of your MS, do not let it control your life; rather do
what you can to make your life enjoyable as much as

My Favorite Web Sites

Multiple Sclerosis World
Dave's Natural Recovery for MS
MS Medications & Comments
MS Research Paper - great site
Guide to Christian Living
Junebug's Novena Page
Junebug's Home Page

My Favorite things about Angelfire.