You Don’t Even Know It

By Yelsha

Codes: C/K

Rating: G

Summary: Just some thoughts on what you don’t know.

Disclaimer: I don’t know own them. No copyright infringement intended.


I’ve been watching you. In fact, I can’t take my eyes off you. You’re like a flash of light in the midst of total darkness. And you don’t even know it.

No knows.

I watch you and every day I fight to hide my feelings. It’s a struggle every day to keep my eyes from following your every move on the bridge. I have to fight myself to pay attention to my duties.

That’s why I asked for gamma shift. Then I wouldn’t have to fight to do my job.

But I miss you. So much. I ache to see you, long to run my fingers through your dark hair.

Did I have to come to your quarters that night? Could I have commed you about the signal from the warhead? Yeah, but I wouldn’t have gotten to see you in nothing but a pair of standard issue briefs.

You’re so gorgeous. Your skin… your muscles… your hair… your lips…your dimples… your tattoo… you’re every fantasy I’ve ever had.

You’re driving me crazy with all the things you do. I wonder if you know how sexy you are. Even that way you walk tunes me on. Your smile is my bliss, your voice my heaven.

I love you. And you don’t even know it.

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