Karahkwa's Fan Fics.
Bombing Tribute Page--Please check out this tribute page and take a moment to grieve.
Hi, everyone.
I want to put in a general disclaimer here before you get any farther. I don't own any of the main characters in the stories. I have added a few of my own but mostly they belong to the writers of Star Trek, The Pretender and the other shows I write these off of. I don't mean to infringe on their copyrights. I simply wish to see my favorite characters in my own situations. Any songs or other works mentioned will, of course, be credited either at the beginning or end of a fanfic.
Now, that's out of the way you can get reading.
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Email: karahkwa@wildmail.com
Why Slash?--a short essay on why I write slash.
The Secrets Series--AU series that revolves around Chakotay's "dirty little secret."{NOW ON IT'S OWN PAGE}{Incomplete}
Reflections--(K/7)Chakotay contemplates his relationships with his crewmates after seeing Harry and Seven get together.
Whiskey Memories--(C/Pish)Chakotay reacts to Tom's kidnapping during "Investigations."
Advice--(Gen)Chakotay gives and recieves some good advise.
Getting Worse--Just a dialogue.
White Ceiling--A rant from my insomnia period.
Questions and Secrets--Too short for summary.
Lost--Challenge Response
Voyager's in a Hurry--(Gen)Just another day in the Delta Quadrant. Written with T'Yanna.
Any Tom, Every Tom--(C/P)A Little adventure with a female Q leads to the discovery of a soulmate. Written with T'Yanna.
In Search of a Spark--AU, Set in Season Three, Matchmaker, Matchmaker... Written with T'Yanna and Yelsha.
Hallucinations--(C/K)Karahkwa's hallucinating.
The Unloved Series(C/K) Rated NC-17 for adult situations
Uninterrupted Sleep--A late night discovery leads to a dream come true. Unwanted Memories--Chakotay and Harry have a few things to work out before they can get together. Unrealistic Dreams--Things are still not perfect in Chakotay and Harry’s relationship but it’s getting better. Unanswered Wishes--Is the road to love ever smooth? Chakotay and Harry have yet another bump to get over.
Unforgettable Lessons--This is the continuation of the date in Unanswered Wishes.
Unquestioning Acceptance--Janeway’s birthday party plus a little time alone for Harry and Chakotay.
Unbeleivable Questions--Harry asks some questions.
Unloved--Time to prove their devotion. And it’s not as easy as they think.
Unfulfilled Needs--Wedded bliss can be hard to come by especially when something seems to be missing.
Unexpected Joys--It’s time for Chakotay and Harry’s family to grow.
Untroubled Paradise--How do Harry and Chakotay deal with the damper the kids put on their sex-life?
Uncelebrated Days--Not all celebrations are on holidays.
Undeniable Strength--Chakotay has doubts. Harry clears things up.
Unshared Pain--Is physical pain worse than emotional pain? Chakotay and Harry find out.
The Right One Series (rated NC-17 for adult situations)
Not the Right Night--(B/ED, B/JS)Jake and Julian learn the importance of timing.
Not the Right Words--(Sequel to NtRN)Julian and Jake talk only it doesn't go as either of them had planned.
Not the Right Place--(Sequel to NtRW)Julian and Jake resolve things, sort of.
The Right Place--(Sequel to NtRP)A little romance for Julian and Jake.
The Right Words--(Sequel to TRP)Julian and Jake’s relationship is progressing…
The Right Night--(Sequel to TRW)Julian and Jake find several surprises waiting for them on their six-month anniversary.
The Right One--(Sequel to TRN, Series Conclusion)Snippets of a long life filled with love.
The Answer is in the Stars--(D/T) Rommie does some matchmaking.
The Hex--(Gen)Taking the head of a witch has more consequences than Duncan realizes.
Birthdays and Boredom--(Gen)Response to a challenge on the PretenderFic ONElist.
Star Trek: the Next Generation
bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh--(NC-17, W/R)A PWP
One Last Time--(NC-17, M/Sc, M/K)Krycek, Scully, and Mulder are brought to together one last time.
Beautiful--(NC-17, Sk/K)A PWP.
Magnificent Seven
First Moves--Who will make the first move towards love and happiness?
Last One--(PG, Danny/Mac)Danny muses.
Sports Night
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Email: karahkwa@wildmail.com