Title: Lost

Author: Karahkwa

Codes: C/?, C/?, ?/?

Rating: PG

Challenge: Write a Chakotay fic based on this quote: "Two paths diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled. Now, I’m eating bugs and berries, and if the Park Ranger doesn’t find me soon, I’m a dead man." –Jim Rosenberg

Disclaimer: All things Trek belong to Paramount, et al.


Life is about choices and sometimes making those decisions are the hardest thing in the world. It’s like that Robert Frost poem:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler

Maybe I’m not explaining well enough. I’m bisexual and I’ve fallen in love with two different people. And trying to love both of them is driving me nuts.

It’s not that I’m cheating on them with each other because I’m not in a relationship either but I would very much like to be. If I could chose one of them. Which I can’t.

Instead I sit and watch them night after night in Sandrine’s, the resort, Fair Haven, even the mess hall.

My goodness, she is so beautiful. Hair pulled back and up away from her face to show off her bright, intelligent eyes. Her cheekbones are sharp and deep. Her nose peaks out of that pretty face, lean and elegant. And her body… the stuff of wet dreams.

Not that he isn’t. Those muscles and taunt skin could make a man drool, and at least a few women. Of course those flashing eyes make my skin tingle. It’s incredible the way he can make me feel hundreds of different emotions at the same time.

So does she, though and watching them both is like sending my body into convulsions. I can’t sort it all out. I love it, though. I’m addicted to the feeling.

Yeah… I want them both… but…

That’s why I’m sitting here. They’ll both be here tonight and I’ll spend another evening in agonizing bliss watching them. I’m shivering with anticipation.

The doors open and I hold my breath. It’s HER… It’s HIM… together… TOGETHER!!

They’re together. Him and her… they’re a couple. I’ve waited too long. I’ve lost them both, to each other.

I waited too long. I didn’t pick a path… or maybe I did by not chosing…

I’m going to spend the rest of my life alone, loving two people who will never love me back. Loving two people and being jealous of them both for the other… It’s going to eat me alive.

Robert Frost didn’t know what he was talking about. But Jim Rosenberg did:

Two paths diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled. Now, I'm eating bugs and berries, and if the Park Ranger doesn't find me soon, I'm a dead man.

The End

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